Subject: Pathagaoras QuickLinks . . . One Word Instant Access to any Folder

'Quick' is even Quicker

   We introduced QuickLinks with version 2016.2. Those who are using it LOVE it. The feedback is that this tool is saving users a ton of time in navigating to often used folders. (Client file folders, document folders, personal folders, contact lists, and the like.) These users just type the keyword assigned for the folder, press <Alt-G> and boom . . . there it is. No navigation. Just as we designed it.

    Yet, all was not joyous in Mudville. (Who gets this reference?) The problem was in setting things up. It's not hard to create a QuickLink, mind you. The problem was that you had to remember which screen contained the buttons to create the Quick Link. (Actually, then there was just remembering that this feature even existed.)

     One user wrote: "Why can't I just type the shortcut term I want. If it exists, great. If it doesn't, let me set it on the fly."

     OMG. Why didn't I think of that? (Thanks, Margaret. The best ideas come always from my customers!) Done.

     So, for the first major improvement in Pathagoras 2018, you can now set a QuickLink on the fly. Type a word you like to the editing screen. If Pathagoras doesn't recognize the word as a document in the 'Hunt Path' or keyword for other functions, Pathagoras will 'error out.' telling you that it doesn't know what to do with your chosen word. Pathagoras will then present 5 options as possible solutions, the 4th of which is (now) "Set as QuickLink." If this is what you want, select it and then navigate to the target folder. Click 'OK' when you are at the desired folder and you are done. From then on, when you type that word, followed by <Alt-G>, you will be taken instantly and directly to that folder.

     Imagine simply typing 'clients<alt-G>' and instant 'client folders'. Not only that, all sub-folders are instantly available too. So if you type 'clients/jones, john<AltG>', John Jones folder will open. WOW is right!

    And that's not all. If you want to see a sub-list of possible choices starting with a certain series of characters, type the introductory characters followed by  <Alt-G>. So, for example, if you type 'clients/jo<Alt-G>', you will be presented a list of all 'jo*' sub-folders in the 'clients' folder.

    And that's still not all. The same quick access to the target folder is available for your 'saves' as well. Instead of <Alt-G>, press<Alt-S> after the target folder (and sub-folder) text. So, clients/jones, john<Alt-S> will open a SaveAs dialog with the proper folder open. No navigation.


     For those who didn't get or (didn't get to) our last Newsletter, here's the link to it.

We are now 'Pathagoras 2018':
    In our previous Newsletter, we announced our step-up of the version number of Pathagoras to '2018'. To see what is new in 2018, click on the Newletter link in the previous paragraph. For a review of the major features introduced or augmented since the release of 2017, click this link.
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Roy Lasris
Innovative Software Products of Virginia
1-866-PATHAGOras (1-866-728-4246) (tollfree)
(757) 877-2244 (Virginia, USA -day)
(757) 898-7374 (Virginia, USA -eve)
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