Subject: Turn 5 Minutes Into An EXPLOSIVE Cash Machine!

Choices, choices, choices...

Every day, we are faced with
a laundry list of choices.

Get out of bed . . .
Or stay in bed. . .

Spend hours on Facebook . . .
Read a book . . .

Exercise . . . Lounge on the
couch. . .

One, lesson I have learned a while
back is that many of us are indecisive.

More specifically, we are hesitant to
make decisions that will allow us
to make progress.

The problem is that we are
only taught to follow the system.

But we're about to change all that.

It'd be a good idea for you to
have a pad and pen handy –
Go get them right now.

These are some things
you'll want to jot down.

Draw a line down the

Write down one
of your goals at the top.

Travel the world...

Buy a new car...

Increase your income...

Whatever it may be,
write it down.

Write "further" over
the left column

And "closer" over
the right column.

Let's use "increase your income"
as an example.

Where would "spending hours on
Facebook" fit in?

That's right – the further category.

Here's another example.

If you were to read Suze Orman's
"9 Steps To Financial Freedom",
would that bring you closer,
or take you further away from
your goal?

Drumroll please.

The correct answer is . . . .

That's right – closer.

Either you are moving further
away, or you are moving closer
to your goals...

Every action you take, ask
whether or not it will get you 
closer or take you further
away from your goal.

As you move forward, you
will notice the choices that
will help you accomplish
your goals at the quickest
rate possible.

Warmest Regards,
Chris Vasapollo

P.S. I always try to share the hottest and newest products on traffic generation, conversions and ninja strategies to further help you build your business.

These recommendations will keep you in the loop of the trendiest methods that other top marketers are using right now in their own online business.

So feel free to check out these daily products :)

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Chris Vasapollo

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