Subject: How's an extra $5000 sound to you?

Hey there,

Come see how Nexus Rewards puts $100's, even $1000's of dollars in Your Bank Account.

ZOOM Tonight, Tuesday June 27 - 8:00 PM EST Eastern Standard Time

Zoom Room and Meeting ID

Meeting ID# 779.652.6043
Call in for listen only: 1.346.248.7799 then enter the Meeting ID# above

The Great thing is that it works for EVERYONE!

  • You can make a lot of money even without recruiting

  • You can earn on Free Signups

  • You can help people and build a residual income that can last for decades

Hope to see you on Zoom tonight.

Chris Vasapollo

*Can't make it tonight?  CLICK HERE to see this thing now, it's amazing!

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