Subject: Can I give you $400+ a month for the next 6 months?

Hey there,

Members using our Apps and Nexus Savings Portal average over $400 a month in Savings and Cash Back to them.  

I want to offer that to you for the next 6 months.

Starting in Month 7 we would like to add an additional Cash Bonus every month, forever.

If that sounds like something you'd like to learn more about, attend our Members Benefits Zoom meeting at 8:00 PM EST tonight.

*Tip Get there early, space is limited

Nexus Rewards Zoom
When: Tonight Tuesday July 12th 8:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Here's the link:
Meeting ID# 779.652.6043
Or call in for listen only: 1.346.248.7799

You can watch via the zoom link above from any internet device, or call in if you want to listen only:

Call 312.248.7799 after calling, you'll be prompted to enter the mtg ID, 779.652.6043.

See You on Zoom!

Can't Wait???  Click Here  to see what you get now!

See You on Zoom!

Chris Vasapollo


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