Subject: 250 signups in 3 months. How 2 do it.

Hey there,

People ask me all the time, how do you and your team get so many signups.

In fact we just got over 250 in the last 3 months, here's what I attribute it to.

1.  Have A Very Compelling Offer - An offer that guarantees people they will make $100's, even $1000's

2.  Have  An Effective Way for people to advertise and promote that offer to Real Opportunity Seekers

3.  Have A Step by Step Proven Game Plan that Flat Out Works!


1.  CLICK HERE to see my compelling offer.  (Add this to anything else your doing to quadruple your profits).

2.  Enroll and I'll give you TWO Awesome Bonuses:

  • $200 worth of Ads on a website with over 1/2 million Opportunity Seekers

  • Next-Gen Email Marketing Console Pre-loaded with 5000 Leads 4 You

3.  Once you enroll with me or my team, you will have a Blueprint for success!

I look forward to working with you

Chris Vasapollo

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