Subject: 95% of affiliates have no idea this hi-profit method even exists …

Good Morning

Everyday new & struggling online marketers get told that affiliate
marketing is the EASIEST way to make money online:

But look at what’s involved in this so-called easy method:

1st, you need to build a list. Meaning creating a lead magnet, then buying
traffic to get people to your squeeze page.

2nd, you’ve got to learn email marketing - get ready to invest hundreds
of dollars & hours in training ...

3rd, you’ve got to find the right products to promote … and the
‘experts’ suggest you only try selling low ticket products to start.

If it all goes to plan, here’s a BEST CASE scenario:

=> You spend 1000s of dollars on traffic & creating lead magnets
=> After 2-3 months you grow a very small list
=> Your emails actually WORK and you make a handful of tiny commissions
every once in a while

Here are the problems the ‘experts’ don’t tell you about:

You’re competing with 95% of the rest of affiliates promoting the exact
same low ticket offers.

Many of these affiliates have MASSIVE lists, and take home the majority of

With EVERY email you send, people unsubscribe, so you’re constantly
spending MORE time & money to refresh your list.

Making puny $10 commissions simply DOES NOT pay the bills.

So here’s the good news.

Tomorrow a new software & system is coming out that SOLVES affiliate
marketing forever, even if you’re brand new.

=> No list required
=> No paid traffic needed
=> No low ticket commission BS either - this system sets you up with
automated $497 commissions PER sale

In literally 10 minutes per day, you can make HUNDREDS in commissions …
with a rinse & repeat method that has NO competition.

95% of affiliate marketers have no idea this is even possible …
But tomorrow you’ll get to see how easy this PROVEN method is.

Stay tuned for my next message for an early bird discount [one-time fee
only] to this game changing new app and effortless income strategy.

See you then!

Mark Bowlby