Subject: ✌️He’s been doing this for 15 years

He’s been doing this for 15 years... 
Online Affiate Marketing Secrets Training Series

“The Key To Success Is To Focus On Goal, Not Obstacles"

What would you do if you lost everything and had to start completely from scratch?

My friend John (8 figure affiliate marketer) gets asked this question a lot...  
To be honest, the question is a bit ironic because there was a time when he had absolutely nothing. 

No way to do real estate deals, or run Ads on social media channels, or use a network to broker deals.

But lean in close because he is going to help you set up your affiliate marketing business the proper way and EXACTLY the way that he would do it if he had to restart everything from scratch⁣.

It may not sound flashy but for the past 15 years it's paid the bills, given him the life of his dreams, and allowed him to live life on his own terms

..and BEST of all provide for his family.

He was able to marry his sweat heart and start a family providing for his wife and his newborn baby and he was able to do so even though one of his businesses at that time fell apart (by the way that was not an affiliate business which is too high risk and this is the reason why this one fell apart because it was just to tough to manage and we talked about this in yesterday's email).

Luckily for him he did not only depend on the high risk business model that fell apart, but at the same when his high risk business fell apart he also ran an affiliate business which saved him and his family because
like I told you yesterday an affiliate business is something that is easy to set up and manage, save, low risk, passive, and recurring.

And what John is about to tell you is the very thing I would copy in the events of a market crash,⁣ or housing bubble,⁣ or student loan crisis.⁣

Whatever the next thing that sends the economy in a tailspin might be.⁣

Ready for the big secret?⁣

The secret is this. He would grow his Email List and promote other people's products. Which is exactly what affiliate marketing is all about.

No questions asked.⁣

John would grow his email list and send out relevant offers that he knows his subscribers gonna love because all he is doing is solving these peoples problems. ⁣

Don't believe me?⁣

You may have noticed that while most of the gurus out there are hopping from one opportunity to the next like I told you before...⁣

John's been promoting the same business model for the past 15 years which is called a long term affiliate marketing business and that is the way to go instead of hopping from one thing to the next one which is
exactly what most so called gurus are doing promising the next big thing.

I call it fraud because they are just renaming old shitty methods that have never worked in the first place and instead of calling it "Commission Overload" this time they are calling it The "Commissionly" or some other glossy name beginners might fall for.

Don't be like them, think long term and think quality which is the opposite of the fraudulent spammer system that most gurus out there are using. It is not genuine, not original, not productive, and certainly not profitable.

Don't fall for this type of crap and certainly don't try to copy their model because it will get you in trouble big time.

We are doing just the opposite of those scammers and that is exactly why John has been able to save himself and his family from a huge business disaster involving a partner who brought him in as the face of the business. 

They just wanted to use his face for the business because of his good reputation. 

At that time he completely got burned and lost everything he invested because he trusted his partners who ran just such a crappy business model based on principles with no future like I explained above using one name today and another one the next month until all customers burned, the reputation lost, all money lost, and no profits to be found anymore.

Luckily for him, he found out about what was going on and got out before it became really bad.

On the other hand what we wanna do is think long term and think quality which is the opposite of the fraudulent spammer system that most
gurus out there are doing to make a quick buck. 

It is not genuine, not original, not productive, and not profitable, and worse if you don't know what you are doing it can even get you in deep trouble.

So what we are doing her is just the opposite of those scammy business models.

Keeping it simple and straight is our philosophy and this is exactly the reason why John was able to save himself and his family from a huge business disaster.

So what is it? It's called Affiliate Marketing!

Remember, John's been promoting the same successful business model for the past 15 years and that business model is called affiliate marketing and that same business model has saved him and his family financially and has also helped him stay on the legal and ethical side of things 

This is insider type of stuff and you certainly won't hear about these kinds of things from most of the online marketers out there because they are too scared to talk about it, or because they are running their business on those non-ethical principles that I talked about above.

Believe me, you are better off with someone like John who has been running his affiliate marketing business for 15+ years successfully.

Sure, that doesn't mean the industry has stayed exactly the same during 15 years...

but John is an innovator and he updates all his methods for free within his course once you are inside his course unlike those spammers.

You know what they would do? 

They would just change the name of the course after one month, dump all customers that paid for it, tell you to find someone else for support because they would not even support you anymore. 

Worse, some of them even close down the whole member site of their course and you would not even be able to log into your account that you have paid for anymore. I can tell you some horror stories that even happened to me over the years.

Then after a month of you being a member of their course, they would just use their email list and send you an email telling you about the next shiny object that you should buy from them. 

They make you believe that this is the best opportunity for you and guess what you might even buy into it because of the glossy name that they picked this time. The content inside the new membership site however stays pretty much the same with a few updates so you don't refund. 

Guess what? They will do this over and over again!

Again, just don't fall for these kinds of people.

John, on the other hand is genuine, up-to-date, and thinks long term, and that is why his program will always be the Super Affiliate System and his students will always learn the proper methods that work at the moment. 

If things change in the affiliate marketing space he is updating his course for and you get access to it in the member's area for F-R-E-E!

You gotta keep up with the times, but in a cool way without ripping people off and selling them scams and without asking for more money in order to upgrade your order so that you have access to one more gimmick. 

John hates up-sells and you are not going to be sold another time when he comes out with a new method. All he does is update his membership and you have access to it for FREE LIFETIME! 

There are no up-sells and no monthly hidden fees.

There is no smoke and mirrors, just solid step by step and over the shoulder instructions how to do what he has been doing for the past 15+ years successfully.

So he put together a FREE video training for you that walks you through everything he knows about getting started with affiliate marketing the proper way and if you have not watched it yet, I invite you to take a look here:

Sent with 💖 by
Kyrsten Ohare (The Invested Girl)

Customer Support now available 24/7. Email me at

If you have not yet watched this awsome Free Training, click the happy yellow button below!

Support & Help:

If you have any questions concerning this Free Training and if you need help and support. I am always here to answer your questions. 

Please send all your questions to and I will 
personally help you out with any issue you might be having concerning the free training. 

I will get your questions answered. I have very good relations with John and his team so no matter what you are asking, I am able to get to him and his team very quickly. 

So please ask your questions and send them to:


I've spent A LOT of time searching for the absolute best, highest quality products and services online.

I only recommend products I've purchased, reviewed and used myself. I share those findings with my family, friends, and newsletter subscribers, too, and if
you purchase a product based on my recommendation, I might earn a commission. 

Again, I only recommend high quality products.