Hello Friend!
I hope you are doing well. It has been a goal of mine since the Drone Swarm last October to have another gathering of local drone professionals - specifically those focused on commercial operations. That time is approaching! And I'm inviting you as someone I know personally (and who I really hope can join us) to tell me what evenings can work for you.
I am emailing a modest group of people to find our best evening together. Once that is decided we are going to announce and publicize this as a local Drone Pilots Federation event.
The location will be New Helvetia Brewing Company:
1730 Broadway
Sacramento, CA 95818
DPF is going to contribute pizza. We are going to ask for a $10 voluntary donation to cover for food and room rental. Beer is on you, and it's a great (and locally-made) selection. I like the idea of supporting another local entrepreneurial business while many of us strive to develop our own too.
Please click this link to look at the date options and pick which ones you can attend. They are all weekday evenings. I'm sure it will be impossible to accommodate everybody's schedule, which I regret. But I promise I'll do our best. You will be able to see everyone else's name and inputs here as they are submitted.
Please provide your inputs by this Sunday at noon. I want to announce the day & time in our next weekly transmission that will get written Sunday night. Thanks to Bruce Parks for arranging the venue and agreeing to provide the pizza.
I look forward to your inputs! I hope you will be able to join us as one of the early commercial drone pilots in the Sacramento region. I predict people at this gathering will look back on it with pride and satisfaction for many years to come. You are one of the pioneers in the early gold rush days of commercial drones in northern California.
Brett Hoffstadt cell 210-753-0843