Subject: I Segreti del Curing, Cali Strain Promo, El Dorado OG Report🕵️

I Segreti del Curing, Cali Strain Promo, El Dorado OG Report🕵️

October 2nd, 2020 at 5:30 pm CEST

Caro Friend, Salutiamo il mese di Ottobre che è un mese importante per molti coltivatori outdoor che avranno appena raccolto (o si preparano per il raccolto nelle prossime settimane). Se sei tu, continua a leggere perché abbiamo alcuni consigli riv ...

Curing Secrets, Cali Strain Promo, El Dorado OG Report🕵️

October 2nd, 2020 at 5:30 pm CEST

Dear Friend, So it’s hello to the month of October and what a big month it is for many outdoor growers who will have just harvested (or will be getting ready to harvest in the coming weeks). If this is you then definitely read on because we have so ...

Promo Graines Gratuites, Booster vos Plants d’Extérieur, Rencontrez Tommy Chong!⭐

September 4th, 2020 at 5:10 pm CEST

Chère Amie, Cher Ami, Nous espérons que ces deux mois d’été furent beaux et heureux ! Septembre est là et avec lui s’annonce l'Automne dans l'hémisphère Nord. Si cette année vous avez cultivé des plantes en plein air, et puisque les jour ...

Free Seed promo, Boost Your Outdoor Buds, Meet Tommy Chong! ⭐

September 4th, 2020 at 5:00 pm CEST

Dear Friend, We hope you had a great summer! With the arrival of September, Autumn begins in the northern hemisphere and if you have been nurturing outdoor plants this year then they will now be showing you their buds as the hours of darkness get lon ...

Promoción de semillas gratis; incrementa tu producción de cogollos en exterior; ¡conoce a Tommy Chong!⭐

September 4th, 2020 at 5:00 pm CEST

Querid@ amig@, ¡Esperamos que hayas tenido un verano fantástico! Con la llegada de setiembre, comienza el otoño en el hemisferio norte y, si has estado nutriendo tus plantas de exterior, estarán exhibiendo ahora sus cogollos, ya que cada vez tene ...

Semi Gratis promo, Pompa i Tuoi Fiori Outdoor, Incontra Tommy Chong!⭐

September 4th, 2020 at 5:00 pm CEST

Caro Amico, Ci auguriamo che tu abbia passato una bella Estate! Con l'arrivo di Settembre, l'Autunno inizia nell'emisfero settentrionale e se quest'anno hai coltivato piante outdoor, ora ti mostreranno i loro boccioli man mano che le ore di oscurità ...

Gratis-Samen-Promo, optimiere Deine Outdoor-Buds, triff Tommy Chong!⭐

September 4th, 2020 at 5:00 pm CEST

Liebe Freunde, Wir hoffen, Ihr hattet einen tollen Sommer! In der nördlichen Hemisphäre beginnt mit dem September der Herbst, und wenn Du dieses Jahr einige Outdoor-Pflanzen großgezogen hast, werden sie Dir nun ihre Buds präsentieren, weil die Du ...

25 Years of Paradise, Spannabis and more!

March 13th, 2019 at 7:10 am CEST

Howdy from Paradise Seeds! Paradise Seeds is 25 years old this year and we are taking our celebrations on the road in the coming months with appearances at expos and cannabis cups all over Europe. The next stop for the Finest Seed Collection is Span ...

Be our valentine

February 14th, 2019 at 5:08 pm CEST

Celebrate your loved ones with the gift of cannabis seeds this Valentines Day with buy one get one free on all Paradise Seeds orders for 24 hours ONLY! BE OUR VALENTINE! ...

It's time to celebrate!

May 24th, 2018 at 11:59 pm CEST

TIME TO CELEBRATE! Our good friend and cannabis legend Tommy Chong turns 80 today, and what a great ambassador for our beloved plant as well as an advertisement for living your life to the max this man is. We wish you strong health and all the weed y ...