Subject: 🌱Cannabis & Bier, 25% Rabatt auf alle Samen, Highlife Cup!🤩

🌱Cannabis & Bier, 25% Rabatt auf alle Samen, Highlife Cup!🤩

July 2nd, 2021 at 5:30 pm CEST

Liebe Friend, Wir haben die Jahresmitte gerade überschritten, die Outdoor-Pflanzen sollten momentan also richtig happy sein, mit so vielen Sonnenscheinstunden. Nun, sie sind damit nicht allein! Auch die Pflanzen-Besitzer genießen den Sommer, diesen ...

🌱Cannabis & Bière, Highlife Cup et 25% sur les graines !🤩

July 2nd, 2021 at 5:30 pm CEST

Bonjour Friend, Nous venons juste de passer le milieu d’année. Cela signifie que les plantes en extérieur doivent être vraiment contentes en ce moment, à se nourrir de ces longues heures de Soleil… Et elles ne sont pas les seules! Leurs anges ...

🌱¡Cannabis & cerveza, 25% de dto. en todas las semillas, copa Highlife!🤩

July 2nd, 2021 at 5:30 pm CEST

Querido/a Friend, Acabamos de cruzar el ecuador del año, así que las plantas cultivadas en exterior estarán muy contentas con esas largas horas de sol. ¡No son las únicas! Quienes cuidan de las plantas también están gozando el verano. Este mes ...

🌱 Cannabis & Beer, 25% off all seeds, Highlife Cup!🤩

July 2nd, 2021 at 5:30 pm CEST

Hi Friend, We have just passed the midway point of the year so those outdoor plants should be very happy at the moment with all those long hours of sunshine. They are not the only ones! The plant keepers are enjoying the summer too, so this month let ...

🌱 New Affiliate Management System! Apply now!

June 16th, 2021 at 5:12 pm CEST

  Dear Paradise Seeds Affiliate, As you may already know, we have launched our new website with many updates to improve our services, including a new affiliate program system. We would like to inform you that we have paid all the pending ...

🌱Nuovo sito web, sconto pazzesco del 25%! Tutorial LST😍

June 11th, 2021 at 5:00 pm CEST

Caro Friend, Benvenuto nel mese di giugno, in piena estate. In questo periodo le giornate sono più lunghe e il sole splende al massimo, il che è una grande notizia per tutte quelle piante outdoor che compiono il loro viaggio estivo... Parland ...

🌱Neue Website, krasser 25% Rabatt! LST-Anleitung😍

June 11th, 2021 at 5:00 pm CEST

Liebe Friend, Willkommen im Mittsommermonat Juni. Zu dieser Zeit sind die Tage am längsten und die Sonne scheint am heißesten, was ein toller Umstand für all jene Outdoor-Pflanzen auf ihrer Reise durch den Sommer ist… Wo wir gerade von Rei ...

🌱New Website, Crazy 25% discount! LST tutorial😍

June 11th, 2021 at 5:00 pm CEST

Bonjour Friend, C’est le mois de Juin et voilà l’Été, enfin l’Été, toujours l’Été… Les jours sont à leur maximum et le Soleil resplendit de ses plus chauds rayons. Bonne nouvelle pour les plantes qui s’épanouissent allègrement a ...

🌱¡Nueva web, descuento de locura -25%, tutorial LST! 😍

June 11th, 2021 at 5:00 pm CEST

Querido/a Friend, Bienvenid@ al mes del solsticio de verano, junio. En esta época, los días son más largos y el sol brilla con su máxima intensidad; buenas noticias para las plantas de exterior… Hablando de viajes… este mes, Paradise Se ...

🌱 New Website, Crazy 25% discount! LST tutorial😍

June 11th, 2021 at 5:00 pm CEST

Hi Friend, Welcome to the midsummer month of June. During this time the days are at their longest and the sun shines at its hottest, which is great news for all those outdoor plants making their summer journey… Speaking of journeys… this mo ...