Subject: ✨Cheers to A New Year!✨

Dear Friend,

Happy New Year to you! It’s not the most popular month in the year, but here are 3 reasons to stay cheerful:

January Promo: *1 free seed with every 5 you buy!*

Make an order of 5 seeds with us (using any combination ie 1 x 5 pack or 2 x 3 pack) and choose 1 seed of Pandora, California Gold or L.A. Amnesia*.

Pandora - Original big yield autoflower!

Californian Gold - Sweet n’ citrus Cali indica!

L.A. Amnesia - One of our most popular sativas!

*Choose at checkout and no limit on multiples (ie 20 seeds = 4 free seeds, 30 seeds = 6 free seeds etc).

In case you missed it...

Cannabis and Your Endocannabinoid System

Science is still filling in the details of how the endocannabinoid system maintains our body’s health.

Read the amazing story about how it was discovered and how cannabis interacts with it in our blog: Why is the Endocannabinoid System Important?

New Strains incoming!

We will be sharing news of some new Californian strains this month so keep tuned - you will not want to miss out on these...!

Happy January!

Team Paradise, Amsterdam 🌱

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