Subject: 🌱 New Affiliate Management System! Apply now!

Dear Paradise Seeds Affiliate,

As you may already know, we have launched our new website with many updates to improve our services, including a new affiliate program system.

We would like to inform you that we have paid all the pending payments from the previous system. If you have any issues please send an email to

If you have not registered on our new system yet, you can do this by using the following URL:

As it is a completely new system, you’ll be required to fill in your details from the beginning and also use your new affiliate URL. 

Your new affiliate url will look like this:*

*You can customize your affiliate name (i.e. the “XXX”). You can do this by going to your dashboard > Assets > Advanced (on the top right side).

With this new system, you will be able to see every click (and all other reporting data) and also information regarding your commission.


Good news! If you (re)apply to our new affiliate program system before 1st of July, you will automatically get a 10% discount code which you can share on your website. Please check on Assets > “Your Coupon” to see your (new) coupon code.

We are working towards an improved affiliate program which will be beneficial for you. 


Thank you for your great cooperation!

Team Paradise, Amsterdam 🌱

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