Subject: What does the future hold for Remote work?

I'm Yehuda Freilich, CEO of Exclusively Remote and Outsourcing to Israel. The landscape of remote work has evolved dramatically over the years. What started as a temporary solution during a global crisis has now become the norm for many industries. Exclusively Remote has been at the forefront of this transformation, embracing the changes and benefiting from a diverse and flexible workforce. My entire company operates with remote teams from South Africa, and I couldn't be happier. I can confidently travel for work or pleasure, knowing that my company is in capable hands and operations continue smoothly 24/7, even when I'm in a different time zone. The future of work is remote, and it’s here to stay.

 Meet Some Of Our Superstars

In a recent Forbes report businesses gave the following reasons for why they planned to further implement remote working as a permanent business model:

  1. Improved staff wellbeing: 79.9%

  2. Reduced overheads: 49.1%

  3. Increased productivity: 48.3%

  4. Ability to recruit from a wider pool: 34.7%

  5. Reduced sickness levels: 27.3%

  6. Ability to better match jobs with skills: 17.4%

"Hybrid work models allow organizations to reduce their real estate footprint, resulting in significant cost savings. Up to 40% to be exact."

An article from the New York Times cited KPMG, one of the big-four accounting firms. The firm adopted a hybrid work model, allowing them to vacate three older buildings, reducing the firm’s lease space by 40 percent. The article quotes W. Scott Horne, a KPMG spokesman:

"For our business, we believe a hybrid future — a blend of fully remote, hybrid, and on-site teams — will deepen connections among current and potential employees and leaders, delivering us a competitive edge in the marketplace."

 Readers Corner

In this section, we explore the concept of tapping into unlimited talent pools and the myriad opportunities they present for businesses of all sizes. Why fish in a pond when you have the entire ocean? Join us as we explore the benefits, challenges, and strategies for navigating the boundless world of remote hiring.

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