Subject: Open Jobs June 2020 - Companies that are Hiring Right Now

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Here's a list of some of our top jobs for June 2020. Be sure to check out the full list of jobs on our job board here!
Xero Bookkeeper
Now hiring for a Xero Bookkeeper. Duties include setting up new accounts, recording entries, reconciliation, etc. Must have at least 3 years of experience in bookkeeping... Learn more. 
Sales Representative
Work from home doing sales for a US company. Candidates must have at least 3 years of B2B experience for the whole sales process - from cold calling through closing... Learn more.
New job for a Commercial and Habitational Policy Underwriter. Candidate should understand insurance coverages, be able to complete accord forms, make certificates...Learn more.
Virtual Receptionist
NY Radiology office is now hiring for a receptionist. Duties: answering the phone and returning calls to schedule and rebook patient appointments. CRM... Learn more. 
ETL Developer
Design, develop and implement ETL solutions for ingesting, cleansing, business rules execution and pushing customer data into the Enterprise Data Warehouse... Learn more. 
Quote of the Week
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
- Henry Ford
A Tip From Our Recruiters
Try not to use too many graphics on your resume, as they often get lost in Applicant Tracking Systems which can't pick them up. Instead, opt for basic clickable text that can be picked up by bots.
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