Subject: May '24 Job Openings!

Here's a list of some of our top jobs for May 2024. Be sure to check out the full list of jobs on our job board hereWe have great opportunities working with family friendly, local offices as well as remote from home options.
PT Developer Fully Remote
Experienced part-time Developer with a minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in Laravel, PHP, React.js, and Vue.js to join their team. 10-20 weekly hrs... Learn more. 
Outreach Coordinator Fully Remote
Reaching out to US schools (via phone) to join a project that encourages students to recite Birkat Hamazon out loud. Long term role. 10 hrs a week over US time... Learn more.
Remote Marketing Manager  Fully Remote
Candidate possesses a combination of strategic thinking and hands-on implementation skills. Min. 3 years of experience working for a midsize, b2b company...Learn more

Tax Reviewer  Jerusalem/Beit Shemesh/Hybrid

Experience in the U.S. tax field, strongly emphasizing individual tax returns and a specialty on cross-border tax issues. or tax advisor... Learn more.
PT Flutter App Developer Fully Remote
Min. two years of experience working in Flutter framework. 10-20 weekly hrs. Availability during overlapping US work hours for effective communication... Learn more. 
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Join our referral program today! Help a friend find a new job and earn a reward in addition! Send us their resume ( with permission) or share our jobs and tell them to mention where they saw it. When we place them successfully with a new role, you will get a choice of Dinner on us or a nice gift card . WIN WIN for all!
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Tip from Our Recruiters!
Prepare for discussions about salary by establishing your desired compensation beforehand. Consider factors such as your personal and familial needs, as well as the prevailing market rates for your level of experience in Israel. |