Subject: Courageous Voices: Israeli War Tales of Hope

OTI stands with Israel

As a united community, we stand strong and proud, offering our wholehearted support for the brave souls putting their lives on the line to protect Israel. Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones in the recent war, and our fervent well-wishes surround the Israeli soldiers in their dedicated efforts during this challenging time. We deeply appreciate their service, and with resolute determination, we extend our hopes for a speedy and secure release of all the hostages involved in this conflict.

Tzitzit of Hope

The Tzitzit project is well underway, handing out thousands of Tzitzit between military bases to the Israeli soldiers

Courageous Hearts

 It's heartbreaking to witness the news and the suffering of so many lives lost, people injured, and those taken hostage. The cruelty and brutality that some have endured are beyond comprehension. Watching people being called into the army, uncertain of what lies ahead, is heart-wrenching.

Stories of Hope

"But she had another kind of weapon: cookies, which she offered to the men who held her and her husband captive for the next 15 hours, as her city of Ofakim and dozens of other towns in southern Israel faced a brutal invasion by Hamas from Gaza."

"Inbal Rabin-Lieberman, a 25-year-old woman who is being credited for the survival of everyone on her kibbutz even as many of the neighboring kibbutzes suffered heavy losses."

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