As the remote monitoring and virtual ward spot monitoring platform of choice for the London Cardiology networks, I want to make you aware of a platform transforming cardiology elective care services across the region.
Nine months on with the surgical pathway deployment now well established, the teams are monitoring patients at home, using either their own, or devices provided to them. The patients input their vitals into their dedicated user app or web portal and nursing teams review their status on Virtual Dashboards, escalating deteriorating patients to clinicians or MDT teams as required. The virtual ward lists vary from small lists of ten to fifteen to lists of several hundred spanning all ages, including patients in their 80s and 90s.
Key points: The platform facilitates the identification of deteriorating patients, early discharge and pre and post-surgery patient follow-up for heart attack patients. In one pathway in a single hospital over a 4-month period, 336 bed days have been saved amounting to £135k saved by the NHS with a massive £400,000 of savings projected within the year. With 2000+ patients being monitored at any one time and 10 to 15% observed as deteriorating action has been taken to pull treatment forward, while reductions in premature admissions have impacted ward capacity and waiting list times. The platform is flexible, scalable and integrated – Fast to adopt, connect and change with implementation taking only weeks.
Please let me know if you are interested in exploring if we could help with your service. We would be happy to arrange a demo or answer any questions you may have on a teams call. You can schedule a meeting at your convenience by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Nick Niz
Nick Niziolomski Services Director
Office: 0333 090 2769 Mobile: 07802 241946 Email: Web: UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: None |