Subject: Great News The Webinar Replay is Now available


I'm excited to share to share the replay of the webinar you signed up for. I know some attendees had some difficulties getting in, we'll fix tat for next time. The good news is that it is here for your now.

Just a reminder, we explored the use of device-free technology for diagnosing and managing #AtrialFibrillation in a #VirtualCare setting and featured leading innovators in Clinical Delivery of #VirtualWard and #RemoteMonitoring.

The lineup of speakers, we heard from included:

1️⃣ Dr. Debashish Das, Consultant Cardiologist and Founder of Ortus-iHealth

2️⃣ Yosef Safi Harb, Founder and CEO of Happitech

3️⃣ Dr. Mihir Kelshiker, Clinical Research Fellow and Specialist Registrar in Cardiology at Imperial College Hospital's Connected Hub

These esteemed experts covered everything from the potential of remote monitoring in #AF management to the transformation of smartphones into clinical devices and the innovative approach of Imperial College Hospital's Connected Hub.

If you are interested in knowing more and would like to arrange a brief call and demonstration, please drop me an email on to setup a Teams or Zoom call at your convenience. Also please feel free to share the email with your colleagues or anyone else you feel may be interested in exploreing the opportuinities presented in the webinar.

Please drop me a line or give me a call, I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Nick Niz

Nick Niziolomski

Director at Ortus iHealth.

Phone 07802 241946

