News and Opportunities for the Cultural Nonprofits and Creative Businesses of Fairfield County, CT February 17, 2019 |
| | The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is a nonprofit membership service organization that supports its members through unified marketing, capacity building, professional development, and advocacy services. This newsletter is sent to all who request it, but we ask that, if you are not a member, you explore membership benefits and consider joining. Find out more and sign up here. |
| | 347 of our 600 members have now created profiles on the new integrated Cultural Alliance website - please join them! In order to post an event on FCBuzz Events, you need to register on the website as if you are a new member, using the same email address you used for the old FCBuzz site as your contact email (call us if you are unsure what address that is) - or else you will be charged. Call 203-212-6894 or email with any questions.
| | | PODCAST:The Future of History Ramin Ganeshram, Nancy Geary, and Margaret McIntire |
| If you missed our February Spotlight on Arts & Culture, "THE FUTURE OF HISTORY: Historical Societies in the 21st Century," you can now hear the podcast at bit.ly/spotlight_history. Hear what three new directors of established historical societies (Ramin Ganeshram, Westport; Nancy Geary, New Canaan; and Margaret McIntire, Darien) had to say about how they are they bringing change to established ways of doing things, helping to make history alive for the younger members of their communities, working more collaboratively to share their objects and experiences with other communities and using new technologies to open up to wider audiences. Click here to hear the show.
| | MEMBERS: YOU ARE INVITED to a Cultural Alliance Organization Members Networking Party Tuesday, March 12, 5:30-7:30pm Westport Arts Center, 51 Riverside Ave, Westport $20 all drinks and food included |
| | | | | | Check out our new SERVICES category in the CLASSIFIEDS section of our website. Members can post announcements and details of a variety of services they offer the community. Also remember to check out, and post in, the Calls for Artists, Auditions, Jobs, For Sale, For Rent, and Volunteers categories.
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Falcon Repertory Company (FRC) is Fairfield County's only hybrid professional-amateur theatre and film company, co-founded in 2009 by Executive Director, Raymond Michaud, with the following mission statement: "To facilitate meaningful experiences in both theatre and film for the promotion and education of theatre artists in the pursuit of their craft and profession; and to foster, promote, and increase the public knowledge and appreciation of the arts and cultural activities in Fairfield County and the surrounding areas through theatre and film.” Based in Wilton, Falcon Rep has produced and/or co-produced staged readings and full productions of both new and rarely performed plays. Notable full productions include David Mamet's Oleanna, Brian Friel’s version of Turgenev’s A Month in the Country, Agatha Christie’s Black Cofee, Stephen Sondheim’s Getting Away with Murder, and John Patrick Shanley’s Italian American Reconiclation. FRC also has produced multiple playwright’s festivals for new 10-minute, one-act and full-length works, many of which have gone onto future productions in New York and regional theatres around the U.S. The group continues to co-produce readings of both existing and new plays with the support of a number of local theatres. In film, FRC has collaborated with the Manhattan Film Institute’s Short Film Festival to promote new and young filmmakers. Executive Director, Raymond Michaud is a professional (AEA, SAG-AFTRA) journeyman actor and singer, who has performed for over 30 years across the U.S. in plays, musicals and cabaret acts. His professional acting work also includes feature films, corporate and educational videos, and voice-overs. In Connecticut, Raymond has performed at Hartford Stage, Long Wharf Theatre, Stamford’s Palace Theatre and Rich Forum, Westport Country Playhouse, Norma Terris/Goodspeed-at-Chester, and the Edgerton Center for the Performing Arts. He is an emeritus member of the Theatre Artists’ Workshop, having served multiple terms on their Board of Directors. Musically, he currently performs with the local rock and roll cover band Old School as their guitarist and lead singer. See Falcon's Facebook page. |
| | ❦ – Latest List by Town of Organization and Creative Business Members: here
❦ – Latest List by Town of Artist Members: here
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Franklin Street Works (Stamford), New Paradigm Theatre Company (Stamford), and Silvermine Arts Center (New Canaan) were three organizations in our region out of the 15 grants awarded across the state by CT Office of the Arts for its pilot " Art-accesible" grants to assist improving the experience of the arts for audiences of all abilities, for staff training and internal support to carry out accessible programs and services, and for career development opportunities for artists who identify as individuals with disabilities. ● Franklin Street Works received $2,900 to provide ELL docent/ASL translated curator tours of exhibitions, a Spanish language self-guided tour handout, and for captioning videos to expand educational programming. ● New Paradigm Theatre Company received $3,000 to support staff training and audience accessibility services for an upcoming production, to hire a behavioral therapist, an ASL specialist, and an interpreter. ● Silvermine Arts Center received $3,000 for its ArtAbility program that engages adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a variety of art classes. |
| | The Bruce Museum's Curator of Science, Dr. Daniel Ksepka, has recently garnered international media attention with the publication of two peer-reviewed research papers announcing major paleontological findings. The studies, one about ancient penguins, and the other about extinct finch-like bird species that lived 52 million years ago, have received coverage from The New York Times, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Fox News, Gizmodo, and more. More... |
| | CT Audubon celebrated the positive result of its advocacy to support the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which since 1964 has helped finance almost 500 conservation projects in Connecticut and thousands more across the country. The bill passed 92-8 – a veto-proof majority – and is widely supported by Democrats and Republicans in the House. Inaction by Congress last year allowed the fund to lapse, threatening a long legacy of nationwide, bi-partisan conservation funding. Connecticut Audubon thanks U.S. Senators Blumenthal and Murphy for yesterday's action. |
| | KEYS (Kids Empowered by Your Support) welcomes Redding resident Scott Weber to its Board of Directors. Scott’s background is in creating, building and leading companies. He has over 30 years experience in the healthcare education industry and has started companies, raised capital, and navigated mergers/ acquisitions. He is founder of Acoustic Wilton, a group of local adult and student singer/songwriter/musicians who volunteer their time and talents to “play it forward” by raising money and building awareness for local causes. |
| | The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk has been awarded a $50,000 grant from Newman’s Own Foundation that will help support the Aquarium’s educational programming to thousands of schoolchildren in the tri-state area and provide financial aid for schools seeking to connect their students with the Aquarium’s educators and animal exhibits. Alicia Wettenstein, the Aquarium’s director of development, commented: "This latest grant from Newman's Own Foundation will help The Maritime Aquarium remain a vital resource for environ-mental education, especially where the need is greatest but resources are scarcest.” |
| | Pequot Library has announced the appointment of Dr. Jamie Cumby as its new Special Collections Librarian. Jamie graduated from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland with a doctorate in modern history and an MLitt in book history. She was a senior editor on Preserving the World's Rarest Books, a new program sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that aims to put the analytical power of the Universal Short Title Catalogue at the disposal of the world library community. Jamie has also worked in Special Collections at the University of St Andrews, at Cambridge Public Library, at the MIT Press, and at Wellesley’s Special Collections Library. Welcome, Jamie! More... |
| | Remarkable STEAM, as part of its Maker Faire Westport 2019, is venturing to set a record for the world’s largest 3D printed duck. The Great Duck Project is a first-of-its-kind global crowdsourcing science and art initiative that allows people from around the world to 3D-print and submit pieces that will make up a 6-foot-tall, 476-piece duck. Sponsored by The Westport Sunrise Rotary Club, the project has, as its technical lead, Greens Farms Academy. Want to join in? Sign up here and you'll be emailed a file containing a specific duck part that can be printed on a 3D-printer (generally available in libraries, schools, offices and some homes). Mail your printed duck part to Greens Farms Academy to arrive by April 1. |
| | Silvermine Arts Center received a $3,500 Quick Grant from CT Humanities to support programs accompanying its exhibition, ReFRAMING Aging: Health, Happiness, and the Arts, opening with a reception Sat. Feb. 16, 2-4pm. Robin Jaffee Frank, Silvermine's Director of Strategy and Development, said "We’re most grateful to the Connecticut Humanities for funding programs—a keynote lecture, a moderated panel discussion, and a family day of storytelling—that will engage visitors of every age and explore the benefits of art, creativity, and discovery across generations." More... |
Americans for the Arts has reported that as a result of the Democratically-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate finally resolving with the President the details for the Omnibus Appropriations bill for FY’19 (4.5 months late) that cultural agencies across the board received a modest funding increase. Both National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) each received a $2 million increase to bring their annual budget up to $155 million. Click on chart above for larger image. The Institute for Museum and Library Services also received a $2 million increase to $242 million. Save America's Treasures, threatened with $0 funding received stable funding at $13 million. Assistance for Arts Education, threatened with elimination also received stable funding at $29 million. |
On February 8, the CT Office of the Arts announced the award of 166 Connecticut Arts Endowment grants to nonprofit arts organizations across the state, amounting to a total of $786,107. The grant amounts ranged from between $500 and $40,237, averaging $4,735. The Connecticut Arts Endowment Fund (CAEF) was established by the Connecticut State Legislature to stimulate the development of private sector funding resources and to ensure the long-term stability of Connecticut’s arts industry by providing funding to organizations. The Fund is managed by the Office of the State Treasurer and the program is administered by the Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA). Interest earned on the Fund principal is distributed annually to eligible arts organizations. That interest has ranged from $852,200 in 2010 (with 95 applicants) down to $385,301 in 2016, when 130 applied. Applicants do not specify a grant request amount. Grant awards are calculated solely on a formula which compares the amount of private sector (non-governmental) contributions received by the applicant in its two (2) most recently completed fiscal years. Grant recipients may apply the funds toward programming, administrative/operational costs, capital projects, equipment or to build their own endowments. For the complete list of awardees, click here. |
The Connecticut Arts Alliance (CAA) is a non-profit, statewide arts advocacy organization led by a diverse group of artists, arts educators, and arts professionals. Its unified voice promotes the importance of arts and culture in building healthy, vibrant and connected communities. Established in 2005, CAA is now expanding its reach to include more arts and cultural organizations by creating a Membership Program. CAA's goals are to: ● Raise awareness of the arts, their economic impact and benefits ● Advocate for increased funding for the arts ● Influence actions, policies, and programs that affect the arts ● Promote the value of the achievements of the arts industry ● Educate on how to advocate, especially to legislators and municipal leaders ● Ensure that the arts remain central to life throughout Connecticut CAA recently made tremendous strides in getting the arts on the political agenda through its nonpartisan public education campaign, Create the Vote CT. By joining CAA’s Membership Program this year, organizations will be considered Charter Members and will be able to directly affect its program for the future. |
Americans for the Arts Public Art Network (PAN) is accepting submissions for the 2019 PAN Year in Review application. Public art projects that were completed and open to the public from January 1st to December 31st, 2018 are eligible for submission. The PAN Year in Review annually recognizes outstanding public art projects that represent the most compelling work for the year from across the country and beyond. Three public art professionals serve as jurors to review hundreds of project applications and select up to 50 projects to include. The PAN Year in Review is the only national program that specifically recognizes public art projects and is an excellent advocacy and educational tool for those who are impacting their community through public art. Past projects have ranged from temporary projects, site specific permanent pieces, artists in residencies, social practice work and more. To access past projects, visit the PAN Year in Review Online Database that holds the over 800 past projects that have been selected by previous jurors. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, February 27th. Apply here. |
The Americans for the Arts Annual Convention is being held this year in the Twin Cities, MN, June 13-16. This is the conference in the arts to learn the latest skills and trends, connect with leaders across the country, and get inspired to transform your organization and community. This year, Americans for the Arts is offering 69 full-ride and partial scholarships for arts professionals. Scholarships are available for emerging and mid-career leaders, practicing artists, leaders of color, leaders with disabilities, and more. Apply for: Practicing Artist Scholarships; Public Art Preconference Scholarships; Field Diversity Scholarships: Serving Underserved Communities; Field Diversity Scholarships: Leaders of Color. Applications Requirements: Individuals may apply for multiple scholarships, but finalists will only be awarded one. Some scholarships require applicants to be current Americans for the Arts members at the Basic level or higher. Check the full list of requirements before applying! (Not a member? You can join now to become eligible for scholarships and other Convention discounts.) Apply here. |
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will be offering two professional development fellowships for emerging and mid-career historic preservation professionals this year. The fellowships are intended to be used for a professional activity that will advance the successful recipient’s career. The activity should be a learning opportunity that is not currently available or reimbursable from the recipient’s employer and should provide the recipient with experiences or skills that will enhance their historic preservation work in Connecticut. Attendance at conferences or workshops, tuition, field schools, and consulting/ coaching fees for training activities, are examples of eligible activities. Successful recipients will be required to complete the following: * Attend the 2019 State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) conference. * Provide SHPO with proof of attendance at the approved event or activity, within 30 days of completion. * Write an article about your experience or research topic to share in one of SHPO’s newsletters or social media sites within 60 days of completing the activity. * Give a presentation on what you learned to SHPO and/or a local audience within 60 days of the activity; or at SHPO’s 2020 annual conference. The deadline for submitting an application is April 19, 2019. Winners will be announced at this year's conference on May 17th at the Omni Hotel in New Haven. Application guidelines and application form here. |
The Good to Great grant program, funds capital projects initiated by not-for-profit arts, cultural, and historic organizations that connect art, history, and tourism to enhance visitors’ experience of an arts/cultural venue and/or historic site. Eligible applicants are cultural nonprofits that own or operate an arts/cultural venue or historic site in Connecticut and that promote the art, culture and/or history of the state. This funding is targeted for small to medium-sized organizations with an operating budget of $500,000 or less and that have received limited state funding in the last three years. The Dept. of Economic and Community Development (DECD) seeks applications that not only look beyond basic facilities repair, rehabilitation, or expansion but also towards new means of sharing and telling the stories of our state’s rich history and culture in engaging, meaningful, and relevant ways. Funding will be prioritized for collaborative projects that demonstrate a clear vision of how individual sites and organizations can effectively tie together local, regional, or statewide cultural assets in ways that demonstrate measurable movement from “good” to “great”. Grant requests must range between $25,000 to $150,000. Good to Great is a reimbursement program. Grantees are responsible for all upfront expenses. Awards require a cash match (a minimum financial contribution) of no less than 25%. If awarded, the cash match must be in hand within two weeks of notification of award (Additional points will be awarded to applicants who demonstrate a cash match at the time of application.) Good to Great funding cannot be matched with other state funds. Grantees are not allowed to use in-kind goods/services as a cash match. Guidelines and application here. |
Connecticut Main Street Center, the statewide nonprofit dedicated to be the catalyst that ignites Connecticut's Main Streets as the cornerstone of thriving communities, is organizing an important 2-day Adaptive Reuse summit, Hidden in Plain Sight - one day in Hartford, one day in Norwalk, Feb 28 and March 1. The conference will focus on the practical challenges and financing of re-fitting and reusing buildings with style and significance within our communities. Each day will follow the same core agenda with a mix of national and local speakers. The Norwalk summit begins at 8am with a welcome from Mayor Rilling followed by three national speakers: James B. Lindberg, National Trust for Historic Preservation, on Making Building Reuse the New Normal; Bob Stevens, Principal & Co-Founder of M&S Development, Brattleboro, VT, on Beating the Odds; and Merrill Hoopengardner, President, National Trust Community Investment Corporation, on Opportunity Zones and Advocacy. After a networking lunch, there will be two panels with local experts: one on Reuse Projects from the Developer's Perspective and one on Resources & Tools for Adaptive Reuse Projects. Registration ($50 including lunch) is here. |
The Northern States Conservation Center is offering a new online course March 4-29: Visitor Motivations for Selecting Programs, on how to increase visitor program participation numbers (attendance) in interpretive programs and experiences. John Veverka researched why visitors select and attend interpretive programs over a period of two years, while working as a seasonal naturalist with Ohio State Parks and completing his MS in interpretation from the Ohio State University. The results of this research was groundbreaking for program planning. Employing research results increased program attendance the following year by over 30%. This course teaches how to do your own research into what motivates your visitors. The results may help you increase your visitor numbers and their satisfaction with the experience you offered.
| CT GOVERNORS CONFERENCE ON TOURISM HARTFORD The 2019 Connecticut Governor's Conference on Tourism takes place at the Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, on Wednesday May 8. The theme of the conference is "The State of Tourism." Each year, the tourism conference is the biggest gathering of industry leaders in the state. This year, it promises to be packed with even more actionable ideas on how to attract more visitors. Don't miss the Tourism Awards at the opening session (9-10:30am; three hour-long hands-on workshops throughout the day; scholarship winners announced during the luncheon and more. Stay Tuned for more details. $99 Register here. |
| | Professional Development Events Coming Up… May 2: CT Office of the Arts: CT Arts Day. New Haven |
Wilton Library Association, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is seeking an experienced Development Director (DD) with demonstrated skills to successfully lead its fundraising and development activities. The DD will report to and work closely with the Executive Director in planning, implementing, and managing fundraising programs in this thriving community library. The DD will build on the Library’s annual appeal, individual and corporate gifting program, and will be responsible for developing a creative, strategic, and robust fundraising plan, crafting proposals, generating reports, applying for grants, expanding community outreach, and donor cultivation. This is a full-time exempt position and requires a minimum 3 years managerial development experience in the non-profit sector. The ideal candidate must have excellent interpersonal skills, be flexible, approachable, poised, self-motivated, able to work independently as well as being a part of a team, extremely well-organized with great attention to detail and accuracy, excellent communication skills, demonstrated computer knowledge and expertise with fundraising software (Abila Fundraising 50: Sage 82 or equivalent), and Microsoft Office 2016 (especially spreadsheets). Experience with desktop publishing software, and event planning is also required. Salary will be commensurate with experience and demonstrated success in fundraising. Email resume, cover letter and completed WLA Application for Employment to employment@wiltonlibrary.org. Position open until filled. |
INTEMPO, a Stamford-based non-profit arts education and youth-development organization, seeks a Fundraising and Development Associate, who will work collaboratively with the executive director and grants manager to create and implement fundraising and development strategies to support increased growth and scalability. They will expand INTEMPO’s fundraising capacity, raising its visibility and positioning it as a leader among music education and youth development groups serving low income children of Fairfield County.
Responsibilities include: work with ED and Board to create and implement annual fundraising strategy and plan for achieving fundraising goals; perform regular correspondence and outreach to current and prospective donors; research potential new funding sources, develop relationships and create new
funding streams, including major gifts; lead design and implementation of annual appeal, summer program appeal, and crowd-funding campaigns; develop and manage donor database, tracking contributions, correspondence, and history; assist with planning and implementing high-profile events featuring key donors and stakeholders; work with grants manager to sustain current and seek new grants by assisting with grant preparation, review, management and/or oversight of grant proposals, submissions, and reporting; perform ongoing management, reporting, and stewardship of existing donors.
Successful candidates will have: strong written and oral presentation skills; a commitment to INTEMPO’s mission; a professional demeanor and ability to speak with community members and families, high-level donors, and public officials; 2-3 years of experience in fundraising and/or development (or college experience equivalent); computer, Internet, and social media literacy, and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs; ability to travel to sites throughout Fairfield County; a Bachelor’s degree. To Apply: with "2019 Fundraising and Development Associate" in the subject line, email resume and cover letter detailing availability to angie@intempo.org. Resumes accepted immediately until March 30. |
Please help us expand the reach of our weekly E-Buzz newsletter with its selection of events taking place that week in our region. See the most recent issue. Subscribe here. |
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MARCH March c8: Westport Woman's Club: Ruegg Grant Application Deadline March 11: Americans for the Arts Convention Scholarships: Application Deadline
May c1: CT OECD: Good to Great Grant Program - Letter of Intent Deadline ROLLING
| | The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are very grateful for the support of our individual and organization members, our individual donors and the following organizations. |
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