Subject: Starting the Conversation...

Hi Friend, 

You might not believe this... but I didn't used to be very good at starting conversations. 

Nowadays I can get chatting to just about anyone if I like and what I've realised is: 

  1. It's mostly about your personal confidence 
  2. Your personal confidence can easily be increased by learning the skills 
  3. A good mentor who can model the skills goes a long way
You see... 

Over the years, I have so often marveled at the way Brad could discover a person's life story in just a few minutes (I may be exaggerating just a little - but it sure did feel like it sometimes). 

And through working with him, learning the skills he shares, watching him implement the strategies, and then testing them out for myself... I have definitely gone from being "afraid to say the wrong thing all the time" to knowing what to say most of the time. 

Don't get me wrong...

I still make mistakes when I am not on my game, but I deal with that a lot better these days to (more about this in another email). 

With all that said, I thought you might like to know that page 130 in your "On Track Parenting" manual shares one of the best tips for easily starting conversation in general AND being able to start chatting with your loved ones again if things have been a little strained too. 

And hey, we'd love to hear from you... 

Have you always been a good communicator? 
Have you put page 130 into practice?
Do you need help to have more positive and easy conversations? 

Touch base with us and let us know. 

In the meantime...

May you have an On Track Day! 

Warm regards, 

Monique Everton 
Mum, Wife and Registered Nurse
On Track Parenting 

P.S We've also done a few Facebook Lives on having better conversations, so be sure to check them out and follow our On Track Parenting Facebook Page. 
Synergy Mind Solutions, PO Box 1445, BUDERIM, QLD 4556, Australia
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