Subject: Kids Moody? Turn The Tables With This Simple Strategy...

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Kids Moody? Turn The Tables With This Simple Strategy...
Hi Friend,

Got to have a good chuckle yesterday when I managed to trick Corey out of a sulky mood.

Here’s what happened...

It all started at around 3am in the morning when Zane decided he couldn’t get back to sleep. To say the least... I was not impressed. But I kept my cool and eventually we got back to sleep.

Then, at around 6:30am, Corey comes running up the stairs... and with Zane being the light sleeper he is, he woke up and was ready to play. Now, to his credit, Corey offered to take Zane and let me sleep.

Come 8:30am Zane and Brad wake me and at this stage I am already in a Below the Line kind of mindset (I can be a bit of a grouch when I’m tired).

Anyhow, Zane has his morning sleep and I get some work done and start to feel a little better (although still a bit moody). I’m half way through writing an email when we have to leave for soccer.

It’s time to go and Corey can’t find his shorts (no matter how much warning, he still leaves it to the last minute). I find them and then he can’t find his shin pads... (argh!) I find them and then we are in the car and here’s where things got interesting...

I decide to bait Corey (naughty I know but hey 😋)

I said, “Corey, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to think about the answer before you reply.”

Corey replied in a snarky type of voice, “I don’t want to but I’ll let you ask anyway.”

😁 he he he 😁

I said, “Corey, I need one more example of how dad makes the effort to connect with us.”


Corey’s tone changed instantly and both our moods improved straight away.

You see, Corey was reacting to my mood because I had blamed him and niggled at him several times and I don’t know about you, but I really don’t enjoy my loved ones finding fault with me (especially not often).


Not sure when you last had a look at the Above the Line/Below the Line Thinking (pg. 71)and the NOPS Formula (pg. 168) in the book, but it might be worth looking over again today just as a refresher. 
May you have an Above the Line kind of week.

Warm regards,

Monique Everton

Mum, Wife and Registered Nurse
On Track Parenting

P.S Remember... you can also get a printable copy of ATL/BTL here: . It can’t hurt to have it somewhere for easy reference.

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