Subject: Just Like Pulling Teeth Out...

Dear friend, 

Please tell me i'm not the only one who finds trying to get our son to school on time more painful than having teeth pulled out. 

I mean...

Even when I try extra hard and have everything ready the night before... we can still manage to run late. 

It could be because:
  1. Corey just won't get out of bed (it can take up to half an hour)
  2. I get caught up with the baby
  3. I forgot to put Corey's clothes in the wash, on the line or in the dryer
  4. Sometimes I'm just plain disorganised
  5. Maybe I overslept 
  6. We can't find Corey's socks, shoes, hat, tie, belt...
  7. Corey is sometimes too busy playing with his little brother to get ready
  8. I've run out of lunch box supplies and am trying to find stuff to out in
  9. Or, just various other silly little issues that cause us delay
Whatever the problem, our mornings often leave me feeling frustrated and frazzled. 

But the thing I try to remember every morning is to make sure no matter how I feel that I do my best to summon a smile, as well as a wave and say, "have a great day." Because I know how much my attitude can affect Corey's attitude too. 

And then once Corey is off to school, I can always reset my mindset and start fresh again. 

What about you? What's your big "pulling teeth" issue and how do you manage your mindset around it? 
Waiting with baited breath...

Warm regards,
Monique Everton
Mum, Wife and Registered Nurse

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