Subject: It's Time We Broke The Silence...

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It Is Time We Broke The Silence...
I know it's been a while since we've touched base. But honestly, we have just been so flat out this year with radio interviews, parent and professional development presentations and putting together our brand-new membership site (which I'll chat more about in a moment). 

But first ...

As you know, it's school holidays and while I write this Corey is nearby 'working' too. 

What's he working on? Well, I may be a little biased, but I think it's really cool. He's writing a book!

It's a novel and you can tell there are influences from all the great books he has read over the years coming out in his story. Now, I've only read the first chapter, but so far (apart from some grammar that will need to be fixed up) I think it will be quite engaging for his target audience - which he says will be 8 - 12 year olds.

If nothing else, I love that he's doing something so creative with his time. 

Speaking of creative... that's what we've been doing too.  

Over the past 6 months (and more) we've been putting together a training series and resources to support you even more. Then we put them all together into one membership site to make it easy for you to access whenever you want. And, we think you are going to be pleasantly surprised by the price, because we have made it so ridiculously low. 
You see...

Some of the courses are as low as $19!

We hope this makes up for our silence. 

The only catch is...

The courses will only be available at these prices for the next 4 days. So, be sure to check it out now at because if you've enjoyed your "On Track Parenting" manual at all, we know you are going to love the membership courses on offer. 

And if you haven't had much of a chance to get through "On Track Parenting," then this is the best way to get the tools, tips and strategies quickly and easily because the training videos are only 1 hour long each. 

We can't wait to share it with you! Check it out here:

Until we chat again...

May you have an on track day!

Warm regards, 
Monique Everton
P.S. We've put together this very special offer for you, so don't miss out! And, why not grab yourself a bargain today? Because to get this amount of content from Brad or another psychologist in a one on one consultation, it could cost you thousands. Plus, you get to watch your training videos over and over again... anytime you want!

You can spend big money to go to a psychologist, or you can do yourself a favour and get the full benefits of these simple and easy to use strategies at a fraction of the cost. You've got nothing to lose except not knowing how to create a happy, calm and confident family. So, go to and get yourself a massive discount today. Because remember, some of the courses are as low as $19. 
Synergy Mind Solutions, PO Box 1445, BUDERIM, QLD 4556, Australia
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