Subject: A Lesson From One Of Our Clients...

Hi Friend,

It never ceases to amaze me how we can get our lessons from all different influences.

Today I was chatting with a client (let’s call him John) as we were waiting for Brad to wrap up another appointment... and there it was - a great lesson for me and an inspirational story to share at dinner tonight.

We were talking about “stretching your comfort zone” (page 23 in OTP) when John shared this story. He said:

"When I go to the gym with my partner, she looks at the prescribed routine and says she doesn’t want to do certain exercises because she’s not good at them."


John is ex-defence and I thought what he shared next was GOLD.

He said he told his partner:

“That’s exactly why you want to go to work on it.”

And he explained how one of the great things about the defence force is it teaches you how to find your weaknesses and go at them until they become strengths.

This gave me a bit of a “kick in the pants” because I have been letting a weakness hold me back for a long time now. And with that simple conversation, it has given me the determination to turn my weakness into one of my greatest strengths.

I hope it has inspired you too.

May you have an inspirational day and an On Track Week.

Warm regards,

Monique Everton
Mum, Wife and Registered Nurse
On Track Parenting

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