Subject: What if you had an easy-to-learn framework you could teach your clients?


Get an easy-to-learn framework


Hi Friend,


In our previous email we mentioned how it can sometimes be challenging to apply NLP techniques with your professional clients.

The reason?

Because most coaches use NLP techniques as a 'quick fix' without an understanding of why the clients are experiencing the problems.

This leads to frustration and the feeling of not being able to create lasting transformational shifts in clients.


Using A Non-NLP Model To Enhance Your NLP with Robbie Steinhouse will give you an easy-to-learn framework that you can teach your client in a few minutes and help them understand their inner-world quickly. Things like:

  • Understanding how we lost touch with the nature of our real essence through transactional analysis (TA)

  • Recognizing what changes we can make with the help of NLP to get back to our real selves

  • Help clients gain a deeper understanding of the root cause of their problems rather than simply 'fixing' them


Essentially, everything you need to create deep transformational shifts in your clients.


To learn more about how this NLP Masterclass with Robbie Steinhouse can help you complement your existing NLP so your clients gain an understanding of why they are experiencing problems rather than just ‘fixing them’ without any coherent explanation, click here.


Why is Robbie the best person to learn integration of psychology and NLP from?

  • Robbie Steinhouse is one of Britain’s leading NLP trainers and coaches.

  • He delivers all of the training at NLP School in London and is also on the faculty at NLP University in California.

  • In addition to being an NLP Master Trainer he is also an ICF certified coach and his work ranges from delivering in-house leadership programs to coaching private clients across the world.

  • His passion for the human dimension led him to dive deep into NLP, especially when linked to Transactional Analysis, Mindfulness, and the Coaching approach


If you want to create deeper and lasting transformational shifts in your clients—and are feeling limited by the tools and techniques of NLP—we urge you to check out this NLP Masterclass Using A Non-NLP Model To Enhance Your NLP with Robbie Steinhouse.




Angela Wells & Nishith Shah


PS: To create transformational shifts in clients, coaches often depend only on NLP. There are 2 reasons that's not the best approach. We'll explain why in our next email.



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