Subject: Updated $150/Month PDF


Alan Abelove here from Online Passive Income.

I updated the PDF to reflect the current situation with EEC. 

You can find the new version at:

I wrote to you many times about this. If you didn't see my emails or you don't remember, Chuck's Paypal account was canceled (like many other business's in this industry) in December approx. So he had to reorganize, and the reorganization expresses itself in part that the no-cost version of EEC is only a PPL (Pay Per Lead) program, but to access the whole funnel one has to upgrade. And whereas the price is a lot cheaper than Michael Cheney's 7-Figure-Funnel, still it is not cheap.

You also get all of the basic training as a no-cost member, I understand.

Now, there are a lot of people who enjoy working with PPL, it is certainly an easy way to make money. Personally, though, my sights are much higher than a dollar a lead. 

Personally, I am putting in a lot of effort into Funnel Franchise, and I view Builderall not just as an unfortunate cost that must be borne, rather with excitement that Builderall is going to be the key for which I plan to succeed with Funnel Franchise.

I just finished my configuring Builderall tonight. Here is my landing page:

It is well after midnight here, so I'm going to close shop, and start promoting this page tomorrow.

If I can help you in setting up your own Funnel Franchise, just let me know, this is front and center on my desk right now.

Also I'd be thrilled if you would share with my how you are doing in Funnel Franchise.

All the best,

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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