Subject: Update About EEC Resend


Alan Abelove here from and Online Passive Income.

I sent you an important update about Earn Easy Commissions, EEC, at the end of last week, but Getresponse says that you didn't open it. If this is in error, I apologize. Here was my note:



Alan Abelove here from and Online Passive Income.

This is a short update to let you know that Chuck Nguyen from EEC got punched in the nose, so to speak.

Paypal closed his account.

This is a problem which is going around, two of our very top product creators and affiliates in our Partnership to Success group had their Paypal accounts closed recently. John Thornhill just published a video where he warned us all that we should give serious thought to coming up with other payment solutions (like Stripe) and not to put all of our eggs in Paypal's basket.

That being said, I am not worried neither about Chuck personally nor about EEC. He is a very smart and caring man, and will organize himself and find a solution. A lot of people are moving to Clickbank where many of us started years ago. I still have products on Clickbank for sale. We shall see how Chuck handles it.

However, this is going to take some time. Probably like a month. So today is not the time to be entering EEC. Give Chuck some time to organize himself.

If you are a member already, I am sure that you are getting updates from Chuck like I am getting updates. 

Regarding Upgrading to Elite, I imagine that you can't even if you wanted to.

EEC has always been my favorite of these programs, and personally I do not plan on jumping ship. But if you are not yet a member, I would say wait now till February in order to let the dust settle and get swept out.

There is a follow-up email sequence in this list that you are receiving. I am not going to re-write the emails as this is a short term problem. So even though I speak about EEC as if everything is OK, these emails were written before Dec. 31 when the ax fell.

As always, wishing you all the best in all of your endeavors,

Alan Abelove

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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