Subject: Write Better Essays in the Exams with Our Tips! Learn More 'On Campus' (July 2017)

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July 2017
Holiday Workshops
Over the June holidays, Creative Campus successfully conducted writing workshops and English boot camps for primary school students. Our lessons were designed to expand the skill sets of our students through engaging exercises.

Here is what some students had to say about our classes:
"I learnt how to answer comprehension questions." - Sarah Ruth, SCGS
"Very fun and educational." - Chia Yong Gin, ACS(J)
"It is fun and interesting." - Chloe Tan, Hong Wen School

P1 Primer
We are now accepting applications for the P1 Primer course which will start on Monday, 31 July 2017. The programme will get the little ones mentally prepared for the new challenges they will face in primary school. They will be introduced to skills for handling elements of the P1 curriculum. These include Composition Writing, Comprehension and Cloze Passages. 

For more details about the programme please visit this webpage.

Blueprint to PSLE English

Blueprint is an e-book for students who wish to improve on their composition writing skills. It addresses strategies and techniques which aid students in producing excellent narrative and expository essays. Purchasing Blueprint also gives one access to videos and pdfs that will accelerate learning. As a bonus, our experienced teachers will mark two pieces of your child's work. You will also receive a supplementary e-book which offers tips on tackling other sections of the English exam.
For more information about this e-book, call us at 6455 3063 or visit this webpage.

2018 Classes
Registration is open for new classes beginning in 2018. If you are keen to sign up for any of our classes, please call us at 6455 3063. Visit our website for more details about our classes.
Punctuation is not generally regarded as the most vibrant or powerful element of the written word. The semicolon, in particular, is often underappreciated and misused. When applied correctly, semicolons can improve the style and clarity of any piece of writing.

Semicolons are primarily used to connect related clauses; the purpose of this is to enhance the logical flow of ideas. Writers may also choose to connect clauses in this way to cut through monotony in their writing. If a piece of writing comprises only short sentences, it can make for a dull read. The semicolon is one tool that allows one to vary sentence lengths. By doing so, writers can avoid producing dreary or repetitive work.  

Alternatively, semicolons are sometimes used to break up long list-like sentences. The semicolon may be preferable to commas at times because it gives the effect of a more forceful break; writers are thus able to break up long sentences into manageable chunks.

Here is an animated video all about the Semicolon:
Harvard Acceptance Rescinded:
The Importance of Social Media Responsibility

A group of young people started a private Facebook group. In this chat group, they posted messages mocking minority cultures, the abuse of children and the Holocaust. These young people had one thing in common; they had all received acceptance letters to Harvard, and were due to begin their university experiences in 2017.

Harvard became aware of this behaviour. It responded swiftly. All students involved in this dreadful online conversation lost their ticket to Harvard. At the core of discussions surrounding this incident is a question of morality.

Many have lauded Harvard's response because it highlighted the fact that academic performance and extra-curricular records are not all that matter. Evidence of poor character is also to be considered by university admissions officers. A secondary issue stemming from this incident relates to privacy. Some question if individuals should be judged based on messages or graphics posted on private online platforms.

Read The Full Article: Harvard Yanks 10 Acceptance Letters Over Offensive Facebook Posts
1. Do you think social media posts should factor into the college admissions process? If you were in charge of college admissions, what would you value in applicants?
2. Should youths who post obscene material on social media be punished in any other way? What would be a good way to educate them on their wrongdoing?
3. Has social media had a negative impact on youth?

Have you checked out our app?

You can use it to view more information about our curriculum and book replacement lessons!

You can find it on the App Store and on Google Play.

Till the next time, 
The Creative Campus Team 
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Mainline: 6455 3063
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