Subject: Welcome to 2019! Free Worksheets to Ace Exams

ON CAMPUS January 2019 Issue
Campus News

2019 Classes: Have You Signed Up?
Registration is ongoing for our 2019 classes, with new classes slated across all levels.
Please note that some classes might have a waiting list.

Get Into the Campus DNA Today!
Our PSLE 2018 graduating cohort did exceptionally well last year. 
To celebrate their success, we are waiving $30 off the registration fee for new students if they opt in to receive the discount code. 
Watch out for details on our homepage.

We are also giving away key notes on handling the Essay Writing component for the PSLE, 'O'-levels and 'A'-levels.
Watch this space to find out how your child can excel in Paper 1 with our tips and techniques.

English Enrichment

The Question on Quotations
While there are many ways to use quotation marks in our writing, confusion arises about their placement. Do we use them before a comma, or after? It is a little confusing, but nonetheless, here are some examples that will explain where they should be located.

The general rule is that punctuation marks should appear inside the quotation marks when using a dialogue or speech. For example:
1) “There was a storm last night,” Paul said.
2) Tammy, however, didn’t believe him. “I’m not sure that’s exactly what happened.”

Colons, semicolons and dashes may appear as such:
1) Paul was aware of what he called “John’s weakness triangle”: he was half deaf, slept like a log, and was prone to laziness.
2) Paul saw an argument coming; this was going to be a long night and he did not want to start it with a disagreement.

If punctuation marks apply to the quoted material, they reside within the quotation marks. If they apply to the whole sentence, they go outside. For example:
1) Sandy asked them, “Why do you guys always argue?”
2) Did the dog bark every time he heard Sandy say “I’m bringing dinner”?

Hopefully, this has helped with your understanding of using the correct quotation marks and their format when constructing a sentence.
Critical Thinking

A.I: Should we be Worried?
In the last few years, advances in artificial intelligence have captured the public imagination and led to a widespread acceptance of AI-infused assistants. However, this accelerating pace of innovation comes with an increased uncertainty about where technology is headed and how it will impact society.

One of the clearest advantages of A.I is that computers can interact with us in a more natural ways. This is critical for the AI-human relationship to reach its fullest potential. The consensus is that within three to five years, advances in AI will make the conversational capabilities of computers vastly more sophisticated, paving the way for a rapid paradigm shift in computing.

However, what can appear to be something to embrace and utilise can also, in the opposite term, be used as a tracking tool. For example, news articles about Google discussed how the company utilised its enormous computer power algorithms to locate and scrutinise a person’s credit history. It is disturbing, to say the least, but many are not perturbed that A.I can easily achieve this.

Will we give up our personal privacy or freedom, and accept such A.I infringements for technical advancements? For the skeptic, it is a shift to be wary of. For the enthusiast, it is something to be embraced and used to its fullest potential. Should we be worried? Read the article here.

In a recent interview, Elon Musk discusses the ramifications of A.I if it becomes self aware, controlling and replacing every aspect of human living.
Questions to Consider

1. Who should oversee the use of A.I and the related risks?
2. Where and how should A.I be used in an organisation?
3. If A.I becomes sentient, is it entitled to the same rights, privileges and protection as humans? Think Sophia, the first robot to be granted citizenship.

Have you checked out our ebooks?

Two of them are FREE! Useful for all students from Primary 3 and up, these ebooks are essential building blocks for your child to have a better grasp on the English Language.

Free Brain Booster eBook Download
Download our eBook Brain Booster for revision now.
Visit the Shop Page on our Website to get your free copy!

Click here to find out more on our website.

Until the next time,
The Creative Campus Team
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