Subject: The Benefits of Keeping a Diary or a Journal! Learn More 'On Campus' (January 2018)

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 January 2018
New Year's Day (Public Holiday)
We will be closed on Monday, 1 January 2018. 
Classes will resume on Tuesday, 2 January 2018. 

Wishing everyone a happy new year in 2018!
New Directors' Fee Schedule
To better differentiate the classes taken by our directors, our school will soon be charging a premium for such classes in 2018. For our existing students, these rates will only apply from 2018 Term 3.

NEW 2018 Classes
Registration is ongoing for classes in 2018. We have also slated new classes across all levels. Do call us at 6455 3063 or visit our website to view our 2018 class schedules.

eBooks  - Blueprint to PSLE EnglishQuick Cues and Compendium to Quick Cues

Hone your child's writing skills this new year with our eBooks.
Quick Cues comes with a free copy of Compendium to Quick Cues,  a separate eBook illustrating various techniques used in actual students' scripts.

Do visit our website for more details. 
PSLE 2017
Congratulations to our P6-2017 cohort. 
You have gone above and beyond our expectations.

The national average for PSLE English A*s and As stands at 44.3% this year.

You have raced ahead and raised the Creative Campus bar up to 94%!
That's more than double the national average rankings.

Well done, and onward to the next milestone!
Quote of The Month

"A good beginning makes a good end. " ~ Louis L' Amour

Why keep a journal or a diary?
Journal entries are pivotal for improving writing and honing a student's personal voice. A skilled storyteller can reflect on his records and use them as fodder for his essay writings. Here are some benefits of writing a diary or a journal, especially for students.

Confidence Building
Unlike assigned writing, journal writing does not have the pressure of an audience. It can be totally uninhibited, confessional and honest. Journal writing lets fledgling writers practice without fear. Research shows that it takes at least 28 repetitions of a concept or skills before it is solidified in the brain. It helps if the writer learns a specific writing technique and then consciously apply the skills while writing the journal. Over time, through adequate self-review, the writer can nail down the techniques and apply them in his work accurately.

Better Self Understanding
Like any form of artistic expression, journal writing is a process of self-discovery. Important issues or ideas that lay dormant in the subconscious may resurface during free writing, whereby one writes without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. Writing is therapeutic, and hence, cathartic. Hidden strengths are revealed in the prose, helping one to build character and grow.

Journal writing can include drawings, sketches, doodles and polaroids to make the process interesting. The writings can also tie-in with the writer's hobbies and sometimes, help the writer to make a living.

For example, many food connoisseurs write food blogs (a form of public journal writing) to chronicle their experiences. In 2002, Julie Powell channeled her love of cooking into setting up a blog where she documented her daily thoughts while cooking each of the 542 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. As a result, Powell became a published author and a Hollywood film based on her blog, Julie and Julia, was made. Even Doctor Leslie Tay, famed for his "ieatishootipost" blog, is renowned for his insight on the Singaporean cuisine.

With the plethora of benefits of journal writing, try it out during this holiday season. Who knows, you might just end up loving it.  
Why Make New Year Resolutions?
For many, a brand new year is the chance to make a brand new start, to change for the better. And to drive a change in one's life, the cycle starting from contemplation, planning and actual action has to take place.

New year resolutions are a set of promises made for the new year. The goal is to improve one's character or quality of life. Below are some reasons why people should set new year resolutions.

To take stock of priorities
By drawing up a set of new year resolutions, it forces one to think about the issues that are truly important and differentiate his needs from his wants. Although important matters are usually at the top of mind, people very often realised the true importance of a matter when they start to list down areas they want to improve on. Some really important decisions lie dormant because the time wasn't right previously. Some unimportant matters are given too much attention and energy due to unchecked routine or habits.

As a commitment
Research has shown that new year resolutions that are written down are more likely to be fulfilled than hazy amorphous impulses mentally made. One tends to remember what one writes and that piece of writing can become a powerful reminder if placed prominently at a place and seen everyday. Action plans will be adhered to more religiously and the goals will become closer. A proper new year resolution has to incorporate all the components from the SMART methodology of goals setting. Click here to learn more about SMART goals.

In a nutshell, targets must be-

Time Bound

To feel good about oneself
Setting new year resolutions is a very positive and optimistic exercise. It lets one approach the new year with the correct attitude. Depressive people take one day at a time and do not make long or mid-term plans. Goal setting is impossible without the power of hope, the expectation of success. People feel good when they know they are taking care of themselves. And we have not even gotten to the part about the pride and confidence experienced when the targets are ultimately hit.

1. Identify three new year resolutions for 2017.

2. What are the steps you will take to see these resolutions come into fruition?

3. Would you start a journal or blog today? Why?

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You can use it to view more information about our curriculum and book replacement lessons!

You can find it on the App Store and on Google Play.

Until the next time, 
The Creative Campus Team 
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Mainline: 6455 3063
Creative Campus: Learning with Latitude Pte Ltd, 545 Orchard Road, 238882, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore
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