Subject: On Campus: Director's Series Courses for Your Child

ON CAMPUS August 2018 Issue
Campus News

Creative Campus has a new place to call home. Locate us at:
#14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre
545 Orchard Rd Singapore 238882

Our mainline and email address remain unchanged.
Do drop by our new premises!

2019 Registration
Registration for our 2019 classes are now open.  
Please visit our website for the latest class schedules, which is placed after the 2018 schedule.

Public Holiday School Closures
  • National Day: We will be closed on Thursday, 9 August 2018. Lessons will resume on Friday, 10 August 2018.
  • Hari Raya Haji: We will be closed on Wednesday, 22 August 2018. Lessons will resume on Thursday 23 August 2018.
Short Intensive Courses for the Secondary 4 Cohort
The countdown has begun. It is less than 3 months before the GCE 'O' Levels. 
Is your child ready for the English Paper? 

Director's Series (NEW!): ACE O-Level English
Creative Campus is proud to introduce The Directors’ Series for both current and new students taking the GCE O Levels in October 2018.
This September school holidays, we are happy to present a two-Day intensive course specially tailored for the O-Level cohort, which will highlight all the requisite tips and techniques that students must know as we lead up to the O Levels. 
This is akin to a ‘crash course’ to that English A.

Day 1: Acing O-Level English Paper 1 with Ms Geraldine Chew
Day 2: Acing O-Level English Paper 2 with Mrs Elizabeth Yeo

An Early Bird Promotion is available for all payments made before 31 July 2018.
Please call us 6455 3063 for more details or visit our website.

We have THREE other Director's Series courses tailored for the PSLE cohort:
[3] PSLE Treasure Chest (commencing September)
Visit our website for more details.

Free eBook Download
Free Brain Booster eBook
Download our new eBook Brain Booster for revision now. Please click on the link below to visit the Shop Page at our Website to get your free copy!

English Enrichment

Horrible Homonyms
Homonyms are a special category of words where the words can either sound the same but are spelled differently (homophones), or spelled the same but mean different things (homographs).

This month, we will focus on homophones. These are words like "bear" and "bare" which students tend to mix up in their writing. 

Choose the right word from the following pairs of homophones! (Answers are at the bottom of the exercise.)

1. The baby (bald/bawled) when his bottle was taken away from him.

2. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for my (lessen/lesson)."

3. Tom was so angry with Darla that he (seized/ceased) her toy unicorn from her.

4. The cloth was so (sheer/shear) that you could see right through it.

5. HMS Victory is a famous (navel/naval) ship that was instrumental in the Battle of Trafalgar.

6. He pulled the line (taut/taught) and settled comfortably on the hammock.

7. A (fowl/foul) smell filled the air as they yanked off the sewer lid.

8. Daniel was too (tyred/tired) to shower when he reached home and plopped onto his bed instead.

9. Tricia raced to reach the airport on time but alas; it was all in (vain/vein).

10. "Could you (pair/pare) the (pear/pair) of (pares/pears) for me please?'

(Answers: 1. bawled, 2. lesson, 3. seized, 4. sheer, 5. naval, 6. taut, 7. foul, 8. tired 9. vain, 10. pare, pair, pears)
Critical Thinking

Swimming Lessons for Refuges
For refugees seeking asylum in Germany, swimming instructor Günter Schütte has created special swimming programmes to help them get over their fear of water.

A vast majority of refugees arrive in Germany via a treacherous crossing over the Mediterranean Sea. With many refugees being young children, it is no surprise that after the arduous journey over the sea, many of them view water as something to be feared. The waters also frighten the refugees because it reminds them that they have left their homes for unknown and turbulent new lands.

Schütte aims to help them overcome their fear via subsidised swimming lessons, where he shows them that water is not to be feared. Beyond helping them with this fear, he also believes swimming lessons will boost their confidence and help them to better integrate into their new society. He views the pool as a place where "[w]e swim together, no matter what people believe in", making sure that divisive topics like religion and culture are not debated about during swim class.

Read the report here. 

Questions to Consider

1. What are some fears you have and how do you think you can overcome them?

2. Should more be done to help refugees integrate into new societies?

Have you checked out our ebooks?

Two of them are FREE! Useful for all students from Primary 3 and up, these ebooks are essential building blocks for your child to have a better grasp on the English Language.

Click here to find out more on our website.

Until the next time,
The Creative Campus Team
For more interesting articles you can use as discussion tools, do like our Facebook Page where we share them weekly.

Copyright © 2010-2018 Creative Campus: Learning with Latitude Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.

Address: 545 Orchard Road, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre Singapore 238882
Mainline: 6455 3063

Creative Campus: Learning with Latitude Pte Ltd, 545 Orchard Road, 238882, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore
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