Subject: Last Sprint to the PSLE and 'O' Levels: Have you signed up yet?

ON CAMPUS September 2018 Issue
Campus News

2019 Registration
Registration is now open for our 2019 classes.
Please visit our website for the latest class schedules, which is placed after the 2018 schedule.

Last Sprint to the PSLE and 'O' Levels
This September holidays, give your child that last preparation for the English Paper.
Limited seats available for both Director's Series.

Director's Series: PSLE Treasure Chest (for all P6 students)
The 2-Day programme reviews critical tools and techniques to score 100% in Paper 2's Multiple Choice Questions [Grammar and Vocabulary], Synthesis and Transformation, Grammar Cloze and Comprehension Cloze segments.

Cycle A
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 3 & 4 September 2018
Time: 12 pm to 2 pm for both days
Teacher: Mrs Elizabeth Yeo

Cycle B
Dates: Thursday and Saturday, 13 & 15 September 2018
Time: 5 pm to 7pm (Day 1) and 10 am to 12 pm (Day 2)

Teacher: Ms Geraldine Chew

Please call us 6455 3063 for more details or visit our website.

Director's Series: ACE O-Level English (for all Sec 4 students)
Creative Campus is proud to introduce The Directors’ Series for both current and new students taking the GCE O Levels in October 2018.
This September school holidays, we are happy to present a 2-Day intensive course specially tailored for the O-Level cohort, which will highlight all the requisite tips and techniques that students must know as we lead up to the O Levels.
This is akin to a ‘crash course’ to that English A.

Day 1: Acing O-Level English Paper 1 with Ms Geraldine Chew
Day 2: Acing O-Level English Paper 2 with Mrs Elizabeth Yeo

Please call us 6455 3063 for more details or visit our website.

Free eBook Download
Free Brain Booster eBook
Download our new eBook Brain Booster for revision now. Please click on the link below to visit the Shop Page at our Website to get your free copy!

English Enrichment

Horrible Homonyms (Part 2)
In last month's newsletter, we discussed homophones, which are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things. This month, we'll be looking at homographs, which are words that are spelled in the same way, but mean different things.

For instance, the word cap could refer to a limit on something, or to a kind of hat. In the exercise below, match the homograph with the right sentences! Be careful, some sentences share the same homograph!

(a) bear, (b) minute, (c) bow, (d). fine, (e) wound

1. If you litter, you might have to pay a ______.

2. Tim is very conscientious; he takes care of even the most ______ details.

3. Hilda could not ______ to tell Joe the news of his dog passing away.

4. He ______ his clock up before going to bed.

5. After the performance, all the ballerinas took a ______.

6. "Help! A large grizzly ______ is chasing us!"

7. People often say that there is a ______ line between love and hate.

8. Charles ran to the nurse to get his ______ bandaged up.

9. "Do you have a ______ to spare? I would like to share with you what happened earlier."

10. Jenny loved wearing her bright pink ______ on her head.

(Answers: 1. d, 2. b, 3. a, 4. e, 5. c, 6. a, 7. d, 8. e, 9. b, 10. c)

Critical Thinking

The Very Hungry Caterpillar that Eats Plastic
While cleaning out her beekeeping panels, research scientist and beekeeper Federica Bertocchini removed some "honey worm caterpillars" from the panels and placed them in a plastic bag. She left them in a room while finishing up the cleaning, but when she returned, they had all escaped. Upon closer inspection, she realised that they had nibbled little holes in the plastic bag.

Bertocchini decided to do some further research, and found that the worms were able to degrade the plastic, which has similar chemical bonds as beeswax. Incredibly, by placing the caterpillar's chrysalis against the plastic, it would also get degraded.

The researchers are working on a way to isolate the enzymes in the caterpillar and reproduce them on a large-scale, so as to reduce the problem of plastic waste. Current methods to break down such plastic are inefficient and use harmful materials, so the researchers are looking forward to creating a better strategy to eliminate plastic waste.

Read the report here.

Questions to Consider

1. What are some ways we can reduce our plastic consumption?

2. Do you think it is important to come up with sustainable technologies to replace the use of plastics? Or should the focus be on reducing the current amount of plastic waste?

Have you checked out our ebooks?

Two of them are FREE! Useful for all students from Primary 3 and up, these ebooks are essential building blocks for your child to have a better grasp on the English Language.

Click here to find out more on our website.

Until the next time,
The Creative Campus Team
For more interesting articles you can use as discussion tools, do like our Facebook Page where we share them weekly.

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Address: 545 Orchard Road, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre Singapore 238882
Mainline: 6455 3063

Creative Campus: Learning with Latitude Pte Ltd, 545 Orchard Road, 238882, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore
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