Subject: How to Use Dialogue in Essays! Read 'On Campus' (April 2016)

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April 2016 Issue

Hey everyone! :-)

Congratulations to our last batch of students for getting good set of results!
Also, our recently concluded March Holiday workshops were a blast! Here's what some of our students had to say:

"[I liked] The class size, the techniques taught and the feedback given for each composition."
-Caleb Khoo, P6

"The teachers are funny and they make it interesting." -Ashlee Neo, P5

For those who didn't manage to join us this round, not to worry - we will be conducting another round of workshops during the June Holidays. If you are interested, do call us at 6455 3063 or email us at to register your interest, so that we can update you with more information.

Additionally, for parents who need help with the new PSLE Essay Writing component, do check out our PSLE eBook at :-)

IMPORTANT: We are looking to opening the following new classes in Term 2:

Primary 3: Tuesday 3pm-5pm 
Primary 3/4 : Essay Writing and Oral on Thursday 3pm-5pm class 
Secondary 1: Friday 7pm-9pm 

Parents who are interested in these classes, kindly contact us A.S.A.P.
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Tips for Narrative Writers
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Incorporating dialogue is a great way to spice up an otherwise boring narrative piece. Use conversations between characters to bring out a new situation or character, in line with the 'show-not-tell' method discussed last month. In this way, you won't simply state facts in a mundane way. Do beware of banality however; adding speech just for the sake of it will actually detract from the essay and might even cause the reader to get bored.

For example, rather than just stating 'A new girl was in class today', try using dialogue to introduce her! The following conversation below shows you how:

The moment the bell rang, Bryan and Mark ran out of class at top speed. Once they were out of earshot, Bryan whispered, "Hey Mark, what do you think of that new girl in class?"

"I don't know," Mark hissed back, "I think she's weird. She keeps muttering to herself under her breath."

Be creative and have fun!
World Poetry Day happened just last month on March 21! The decision to celebrate World Poetry Day was made during a UNESCO session back in 1999 in order "to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities."

Here's a short excerpt of a poem, A Brave and Startling Truth, written and performed by Maya Angelou on World Poetry Day in 2011:

"We, this people, on a small and lonely planet
Travelling through casual space
Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns
To a destination where all signs tell us
It is possible and imperative that we learn
A brave and startling truth

And when we come to it
To the day of peacemaking
When we release our fingers
From fists of hostility
And allow the pure air to cool our palms"

  1. Do you think we should celebrate World Poetry Day in Singapore, and if so, how?
  2. What is your favourite poem and why?
        (Regarding the poem)
  1. What device is used when describing stars as 'aloof' and suns as 'indifferent'?
  2. What is the 'brave and startling truth' being referred to in the poem?

Till next time, 
The Creative Campus Team 
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