Subject: Free worksheets, New Classes and more!

ON CAMPUS June 2019 Issue
Campus News

Public Holiday Closure
We are closed during the Hari Raya Puasa on Wednesday 5 June 2019.
Classes will resume on Thursday 6 June 2019.

June Holiday Workshops
For those who did not make it for Cycle A of the June Holiday Workshops, there is good news! We are extending the registration deadline for Cycle B! Now you can join the workshop for Cycle B by registering before 14 June 2019.

Primary Level (Cycle B)
P1 and P2: 17, 18 and 19 June 2019  
P3 to P6: 24, 25 and 26 June 2019 
Time: 10am - 12pm
Price: $330 Nett workshop fee + $50 Registration fee* 

Secondary 1 to 2 (Cycle B)
Date: 27 and 28 June 2019 
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Price: $300 Workshop Fee  + $50 Registration fee*

*Registration fee compulsory for new students only

NEW STUDENTS: Simply download the promo code below to enjoy a $30 discount!

Find out what we do: insights into Creative Campus
We are giving away notes on handling the Essay Writing component for the PSLE and 'O'-levels.
Our JC 2018 graduating cohort did exceptionally well last year. 

To celebrate their success, we are waiving $30 off fees for new students if they opt in to receive the discount code. Terms and conditions apply.
Look out for this banner on our homepage.
It's the June holidays! 
The Critical Thinking section is a lighthearted topic for you to relieve some stress.
We hope to get some chuckles out if you..

English Enrichment
What are homophones

They are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings and different spellings. 

Understanding homophones is an essential part of mastering the English language, both for vocabulary building and spelling.

Examples of homophones

When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her that if she did not brake or slow down in time, she would break the side mirror of the car.

If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.

I won't spend one cent on a bottle of perfume until I know that I love the scent.

Now, you try


               , more


           , oral





           , nice

           , gate


          , coup



              , prophet


             , mayor


                , time


stationary, stationery
maw, more
muscle, mussel
aural, oral
faint, feint
boy, buoy
cast, caste
climb, clime
gneiss, nice
gait, gate
indict, indite
coo, coup
talk, torque
key, quay
profit, prophet
desert, dessert
mare, mayor
shake, sheikh
thyme, time

Critical Thinking
Can your body make something so stinky?

That’s right, it is called a fart.

Also called flatus or intestinal gas, it is one ‘weapon’ you sure can use to gain personal space! That is if you are not shy to use it.

So, what gives fart its distinctive smell?

When you eat, you swallow not just your food, but also air, which contains gases like nitrogen and oxygen. Small amounts of these gases travel through your digestive system. Other gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane are made when food is broken down in the large intestine. All these gases in the digestive system have to escape somehow, so they come out as farts!

All people fart, animals too. So do not be surprised when you hear a dog breaks gas. Intestinal gas is totally normal, and it is very rare for farting to be a sign that something is wrong with your body.

Why do farts smell so bad?

Gases are also what can make farts smell bad. Tiny amounts of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane combine with hydrogen sulfide (The gas that contributes the most to the smell) and ammonia in the large intestine to give fart its distinctive smell. Phew! Though in some cases they are silent or odourless (Discover we never use ‘and’? We all know the real killers are those that are released quietly), farts can become uncomfortable when they are uncontrollably loud or foul smelling.

Cutting the cheese is common and is often considered normal. Some food or medication can cause excessively smelly farts. If you want to be less 'farty', try cutting back on foods like beans, onions, fried foods and high-fibre foods such as broccoli and cabbage as they take longer to break down in your digestive system, so they ferment over time. There are, however, some instances where smelly farts can be an indicator of an underlying infection, digestive issues, or a disorder. These can release larger amounts of gas as they break down in your body. 

Questions to consider:

Q: Why does fart have sound?

A: Here's why...
The sound of your fart is affected by how much gas has built up inside, and how fast it comes out. It also depends on how tight the sphincter muscles are. They ring the anus and help keep it closed. All these things together cause vibrations as the gas pushes through. If the sphincter is relaxed, your fart will probably be on the quieter side— pffft! 

However, if those muscles are tightened up (As they are when you are trying not to fart), you are probably going to squeak, toot, rumble, or even roar! 

You can find out more about farts here
Have you checked out our ebooks?

Two of them are FREE! Useful for all students from Primary 3 and up, these ebooks are essential building blocks for your child to have a better grasp on the English Language.

Free Brain Booster eBook Download
Download our eBook Brain Booster for revision now.
Visit the Shop Page on our Website to get your free copy!

Click here to find out more on our website.

Until the next time,
The Creative Campus Team
For more interesting articles you can use as discussion tools, do like our Facebook Page where we share them weekly.

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Mainline: 6455 3063

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