Subject: Free worksheets, New Classes and more!

ON CAMPUS April 2019 Issue
Campus News

Public Holiday Closure
We are closed during the Good Friday holiday on Friday 19 April 2019.
Classes will resume on Saturday 20 April 2019.

Additional Classes from April (NEW)
We are looking to open more classes for the following levels, subject to demand:
P3&4: English Intensive Foundational Programme (weekdays 3pm or Sundays)
P3&4: Regular Classes (weekdays 3pm or Sundays)
P5: Regular Classes (weekdays 5pm or Sundays)
Sec3&4: O level/ IP Programme (weekdays 7pm or Sundays)
Do call us at 6455 3063 to pre-register your interest, or visit our website for the latest class schedules.

June Holiday Workshops (NEW)
Is your child intimidated by writing essays? Or do they get the jitters when during a presentation? During o
ur intensive March holiday programmes, students mastered the techniques of crafting academic essays and learnt to be more effective speakers.
Here's what some of them have to say:
  • It allows me to be open and can be more organised about my ideas. ~ Brendan Long (Sec 1, Catholic High)
  • It gave me a headstart to two possible approaches in writing essays Chia Teng Gen (Pri 4, SCGS)
Join us for our June holiday workshops! Classes are available for all Primary and Lower Secondary levels. Watch this space for details, or call us now at 6455 3063 for more information.

Get Into the Campus DNA Today!
We are giving away notes on handling the Essay Writing component for the PSLE and 'O'-levels.
Our JC 2018 graduating cohort did exceptionally well last year. 

To celebrate their success, we are waiving $30 off fees for new students if they opt in to receive the discount code. Terms and conditions apply.
Look out for this banner on our homepage.
English Enrichment
English Acuity

1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

2. A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

3. If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

4. The county cleared this path and paved it with packed gravel, so they would have a peaceful place to hike and bike.

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?
A) path, paving
B) path and then paved
C) path before paving
D) path paved

5. The first train took twenty-six minutes to complete the route, which ran from City Hall to West 145th Street in under a half an hour.

What should you do to the underlined portion?
B) Change it to "in the completion of its route"
C) Change it to "in close to half an hour"
D) DELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period

6. We talked just as easily as we had in the past, when we would sit in the field behind Joan’s house atop the rabbit hutch and discuss our friends and our hopes for the future.

B) Change to "in the field atop the rabbit hutch behind Joan’s house"
C) Change to "atop the rabbit hutch in the field behind Joan’s house"
D) Change to "behind Joan’s house in the field atop the rabbit hutch"

English Acuity Answers:

1. Johnny  
2. Meat
3. 2nd
4. D
5. D 
("in under a half an hour" is redundancy as the first part of the sentence already mentioned "took twenty-six minutes")
6. C
Answer A:
There are two people. They are sitting in a field. The field is behind Joan’s house. Either the field or Joan’s house is on top of the rabbit hutch. That makes no sense.
Answer B:
There are two people. They’re sitting in a field. The field is on top of the rabbit hutch. That is wrong.
Answer D:
There are two people. They are sitting behind Joan’s house. They are in a field. The field is on top of the rabbit hutch. That is also wrong.
Critical Thinking
The Worst House Guests!

Houseflies. They are everywhere and anywhere. 

Believed to be native to Asia, houseflies now inhabit nearly every corner of the globe. Except for Antarctica and a few islands, houseflies live everywhere people do. Houseflies are synanthropic organisms: they benefit ecologically from their association with humans and domesticated animals. Conversely, houseflies are rarely found in the wilderness or in places where humans are absent. Should humankind cease to exist, houseflies might share our fate.

They procreate anywhere too, as and when they wish, laying their eggs even in faeces. Their rate of reproduction is so fast that, if not for environmental conditions and predation, houseflies would perhaps rule the world.

Houseflies breed in the things we revile - garbage, animal dung, sewage, human excrement, and other nasty substances. While living among these filths, they feed on them too. With sponge-like mouthparts, houseflies soak up liquefied substances. When a housefly locates something tasty but solid, it regurgitates onto the food. Its vomit contains digestive enzymes that quickly predigest and liquefy the food for the fly suck it all up.

Other than its gross vomits, houseflies poop a lot too. Nearly every time a housefly lands, it defecates. So, the housefly almost always does poop where it eats. Keep that in mind next time when one touches down on your favourite meal...

Questions to Consider:

1. How do houseflies decide something is appetising? 

2. How do houseflies transmit diseases?

Here's how...

1.  They step on it! Like butterflies, houseflies have their taste buds on their toes, so to speak. Taste receptors, called chemosensilla, are located at the far ends of the fly's tibia and tarsa (in simpler terms, the lower leg and foot). The moment they land on something of interest – your garbage, a pile of horse manure, or perhaps your lunch – they start sampling its flavour by walking around.

2.  Houseflies thrive in places that are teeming with pathogens, hence they have a bad habit of carrying disease-causing agents with them from place to place. A housefly will land on a pile of dog poop, inspect it thoroughly with its feet, and then fly over to your picnic table and walk around on your hamburger bun for a bit. Their food and breeding sites are already overflowing with bacteria, and then they vomit and defecate on them to add to the mess. Houseflies are known to transmit at least 65 diseases and infections, including cholera, dysentery, giardiasis, typhoid, leprosy, conjunctivitis, salmonella, and many more.

You can find out more about them here.
Have you checked out our ebooks?

Two of them are FREE! Useful for all students from Primary 3 and up, these ebooks are essential building blocks for your child to have a better grasp on the English Language.

Free Brain Booster eBook Download
Download our eBook Brain Booster for revision now.
Visit the Shop Page on our Website to get your free copy!

Click here to find out more on our website.

Until the next time,
The Creative Campus Team
For more interesting articles you can use as discussion tools, do like our Facebook Page where we share them weekly.

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Address: 545 Orchard Road, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre Singapore 238882
Mainline: 6455 3063

Creative Campus: Learning with Latitude Pte Ltd, 545 Orchard Road, 238882, #14-07/08 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore
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