Subject: Qualcomm CIO Cisco Sanchez on structuring IT strategy for business growth

What matters—or should matter—to CIOs today

When the business has an ambitious growth agenda, your IT strategy has to be capable of fueling change and enabling the company to go faster. Cisco Sanchez leads an award-winning global IT organization that is laser focused on setting Qualcomm up to achieve scale and speed in a world of complexity.

One of his big differentiators, according to legendary CIO Charlie Feld, is his business-model-first approach. After Cisco and I wrapped up the most recent episode of the Tech Whisperers podcast, we spent some more time unpacking this approach as well as IT’s role in driving and accelerating growth and market expansion.

Next Week! Tim Dickson

My guest next Whisperers Wednesday is Tim Dickson, an award-winning CIO who drives transformative change through technology and talent.

Tim is a digital game changer who operates at the intersection of advanced technology and business strategy—and he does it by fulfilling four different “CEO” roles: Chief Enablement Officer, Chief Elevation Officer, Chief Enrichment Officer, and Chief Energy Officer. Tune in as we unpack those four roles as well as Tim’s career journey and leadership superpowers, in particular, his focus on building community around the technology, not just on building the technology itself.