Subject: News and Views from The TechLX

These are unprecedented times. Your leadership is needed now more than ever before. We’re confident that you’re up to the challenge.

It’s putting it mildly to say that these are extraordinary times. We’re all entering uncharted waters, with many unknowns ahead. As leaders, you are going to be challenged in new ways over the next weeks and months. That also means you will have many opportunities to leverage your new TechLX skillset and toolkit. While we all have our own level of concerns, this is our time to shine as we serve our colleagues, customers/clients, and other stakeholders.

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” Put another way, feeling fear right now is natural. But having courage is a choice, and it’s one you can make. The skills, resources, and networks you’ve developed and have access to through The TechLX will make the choice to be courageous a little bit easier on you in the months ahead. 

In spite of everything that’s going on, I still firmly believe there has never been a better time to be an IT leader.

IT is the business, and your leadership matters. Below we’ve highlighted a few resources that will be particularly useful to you as a leader and a team member dealing with the disruption and upheaval created by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We’d also love to hear your thoughts. How is this affecting your organization? What’s been helpful, and where could you use some advice? Over the next several weeks, we will be looking at opportunities to bring people together virtually to share stories, lift each other up, and build on your TechLX connections.

You have a powerful community of IT leaders right here at your fingertips. Let’s lean on each other to support, problem-solve, and encourage one another. 

In the meantime, stay safe, and stay connected. And don’t hesitate to reach out if we can serve or support you in any way. 

How to step up your leadership in times of adversity
Leading is a privilege, and others are looking to you to see how you respond. Here are 5 ways to lead more effectively and work more collaboratively with your team in this extraordinary, challenging time.

How to manage remote IT teams
The ability to build and maintain trust with your team has never been more crucial — but it’s also more difficult now that teams are working remotely. Especially in situations like we’re dealing with today, trust doesn’t just happen; leaders have to be intentional about creating it. Here are 3 tips to foster more trust in your remote team.

Supporting your remote team in a time of uncertainty
While workers grapple with their own fears and uncertainty about what the coming weeks and months will mean, we have moved into the age of remote; work is no longer a place, but a thing. Here are some timely tools and tips on how to lead in the age of newly remote teams.

Defying conventional wisdom about mentorship
We typically think of mentors as being the older counterpart in the mentor-mentee pair. But you would do well to cast a wider net when considering who might be best to advise and mentor you. This article argues that you need a mentor who’s younger than you.

Remote work and social distancing shouldn’t keep you from learning. In fact, we need to sharpen our skills now more than ever. 

From setting up your remote workspace to enhancing productivity with remote workers, here are a few microlearning resources focused on working/managing remotely. This public “playlist” includes modules that are part of the 4,000+ virtual learning resources provided by our IT Skill Builder content partner, and we’re appreciative that we can make these free lessons available to you.

Other modules available in the IT Skill Builder platform that support remote leadership and work include:

Remote Leadership: Building Trust with Remote Teams: Without the benefit of being in the same location or seeing each other regularly, it can be a challenge to create the level of trust required for team success. But with strong leadership and purposeful action, you can create the team environment required for your virtual team to deliver great results.

Making Mentoring Count: Virtual and Distance Technologies: Module 7 of 16-part series. Explore the potential of virtual mentoring relationships from a programmatic and individual perspective. You’ll learn about the uses of four different mentoring technologies and how to integrate them with existing system for a well-rounded solution.

If you don’t have access to Skill Builder and would like to learn more or schedule a demo, contact:
  • Bethany Leak:  603-782-7474 or
  • Laurel Glidewell:  206-979-4403 or
Stay Connected: Share Your Thoughts + Insights
  • How are you navigating this new environment? What concerns do you have, and what insights can you share with the community? We’d love to hear from you, and so would your fellow TechLX participants. Get in touch to share your stories, tips, and ideas, and get social (from a distance!) with the community by following and commenting on The TechLX LinkedIn page.
  • Don’t forget: Add your TechLX credentials to your LinkedIn profile: Mentors, graduates, and sponsors, we encourage you to add your TechLX participation to your LInkedIn profile to demonstrate your commitment to your continued growth as an IT leader and your support for strengthening the IT leadership community.
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