Subject: IT Leadership Legend Charlie Feld on CIOs as Chief Integration Officers

“You're either going to transform or you’re going to disappear.”

No one has had a greater impact on our profession than Charlie Feld, a true industry legend who shaped the CIO role decades ago and went on to change the narrative about technology. In a special two-part episode of the Tech Whisperers podcast that has already been dubbed a “master class” by listeners, Charlie explained how the “nature of change has changed” — and the urgent implications for today’s digital leaders.

After the show, he elaborated on where he sees the role of CIO headed and shared his advice for leaders in a business era where “you’re either going to transform or disappear.” Check out that exclusive bonus content here.

Next Week! Hall of Fame CIO and Former Deloitte Global CIO Larry Quinlan

How do you unpack the playbook and multiple superpowers of someone like Larry Quinlan, a Hall of Fame CIO who is recognized as one of the most successful leaders ever in our profession? You bring in the reinforcements! We invited nine people who know Larry’s superpowers intimately well to ask the big questions that get to the core of Larry’s leadership secret sauce. Join us next week for an unprecedented view of this inspiring, strategic executive, featuring a variety of voices from both his professional and personal inner circles.

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