Subject: Former NFL CIO Michelle McKenna’s Winning Playbook for IT Leaders

How to put together a championship team and game-plan for success

Former NFL CIO Michelle McKenna says she picked up numerous leadership lessons from the game of football. One of them: Make sure you have a Hail Mary play.

“I use that metaphor because Hail Mary plays work,” she explains. “Being a leader is about laying a foundation where a last-second effort can help you win. If you’ve prepared for those Hail Mary moments, you’re not scared when they arrive.”

After Michelle and I wrapped up our conversation for the Tech Whisperers podcast, the 2022 CIO Hall of Fame inductee shared some additional strategies from her winning playbook. Check out that bonus content here for more on how to leverage Hail Mary plays, her three other pillars for leadership success, and what it takes to build a championship team.

Next Week! 3 CIOs with Military Leadership Roots

Next week’s episode features three CIOs and transformational leaders who all started their careers in the military: 

  • Mike Goodwin, CIO of PetSmart, West Point graduate, and former Army officer

  • DiAnna Thimjon, a four-time CIO/CTO and now strategic advisor to CxOs, also a West Point graduate and former Army officer

  • Woody Groton, CIO of Draper Laboratories and a former Army officer who is currently a Brigade Commander for the Army National Guard

Tune in Wednesday, Nov. 2, to learn invaluable lessons from these CIOs as they share how the solid foundation of leadership practices and philosophies they developed in the military has served them so well in their civilian careers.

We’re launching this episode in November to express gratitude and pay tribute all of our veterans.


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