Subject: Developing IT’s Next Great Change Leaders

Accelerate your workforce up the IT Maturity Curve

With technology at the heart of many critical business transformations today, CEOs are counting on the technology organization to lead the way on change — not just react to it.

Today’s IT leader plays a central role as a partner in driving business strategy, business change, and business value. Make sure your team has the skills to deliver on this ambitious agenda.

Develop effective change agents and change leaders in your organization.

The Leading Change Program is a highly engaging 12-week experience that equips technology leaders with the knowledge and tools to be an effective change leader. Graduates of previous cohorts consistently report that they are providing greater impact to their organizations as a result of participating in the program.

Prepare your IT leaders to step up! Our next cohorts launch in mid-May.

🎧 Next Week on the Tech Whisperers Podcast!

From KGB Spy to Powerhouse CIO and American Citizen: Jack Barsky’s Story 

How does someone go from being a KGB spy and one of the most wanted men in America to becoming a fully-fledged American citizen and a top-notch CIO?

Jack Barsky, author of "Deep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America," joins me next Whisperers Wednesday to discuss his incredible journey and the best leadership principles he has picked up along the way.