Subject: Accelerate Your Digital Workforce Up the Value Curve

To gain first-mover advantage, top CIOs know that culture and talent has to be the number one pillar in their strategy. In fact, McKinsey refers to talent as “the holy grail of technology transformations.” That’s where O&A comes in.

We work with CIOs to help them develop future-ready IT leaders through our executive coaching and cohort-based leadership development programs. They also leverage our series of IT-specific workshops to develop a future-ready workforce that shows up as strategic partners and trusted advisors, versus service providers and order takers.

To learn more about how we can help you accelerate your team up the maturity/value curve, simply reply to this email to schedule a time so that we can share more of our thought leadership with you. 

Look forward to connecting,


Dan Roberts

Host, Tech Whisperers Podcast

Author, “Confessions of a Successful CIO”

CEO, Ouellette & Associates

Ph: 603-623-7373

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