Subject: 7 questions CIOs must ask about the “office of the future”

Renowned futurist Bob Johansen explains how to prepare for the “flexible, shape-shifting office of su

One of the big questions CIOs are asking right now is when to return to the office. It’s a good question, but futurist Bob Johansen says it’s the sixth of seven questions you should be asking.

Bob joined me on two episodes of the CIO Whisperers podcast to unpack research from his forthcoming book, Office Shock: Creating Better Futures for Living and Working, and discuss some the key skills and qualities that will define those IT organizations that are able innovate quickly and get early mover advantage. Head over to my CIO Whisperers column for highlights from those conversations and to find out the seven questions, ten leadership skills, five literacies, and one mindset needed for the future.


Sabina Ewing on Differentiating Your Talent Brand

Sabina Ewing, Global CIO and Vice President of Business & Technology Services (BTS) at Abbott, is known for her passion around IT’s role as a strategic partner and enabler of top line and bottom line results. She’s also a firm believer that to lead with the business, you have to make talent the number one pillar of your IT strategy.

In my next column, Sabina will share her perspectives on The Great Resignation, what it takes to be a talent magnet, and what CIOs should be thinking about in terms of technology’s role in 21st century business.