Subject: UPDATE Webinar 1 : Effective FasterEFT - how we make changes in the brain

Thank you so much for booking the Effective FasterEFT Webinar          
Due to the high number of people who were interested in this topic, but unable to attend a live Webinar on those dates - I have decided to make the first part of the Webinar instead a 1.5 -2 hour streaming video which I'll launch on the 18th October as part of my new online resources. You will be sent a notification/link to the video. You can then watch this video at any time you like. It will be better quality than a Webinar and with added illustrations (and without any of the usual "live" glitches!). 

Nearer the time I'll send an email explaining how to join the Webinar group on the 25th. This will be informal and interactive. Please ask questions, or send questions to me in advance. I am happy to answer a question over email, if you prefer not to ask within the group.

Very best wishes,
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