Subject: Tomorrow's Meeting: Effective FasterEFT - how we make changes in the brain

Details about the Q and A meeting tomorrow:

I have heard from a few people that they will not be able to attend the Webinar tomorrow live.
As this is a smaller group enabling more interaction (which should be more valuable for Q&A), I would like to make this a Skype conference call.

Everyone attending appears to have a Skype account set up. If that is not the case, you can install Skype:  

If you need any help, please let me know.

You will be able to use your webcam and microphone to participate, if you have them set up. You can also turn off your video and mute your microphone if you prefer. There is also the text chat feature in Skype, for you to ask questions via the keyboard.

It will be recorded and available to watch again.

Please let me know if you have a preferred Skype ID, otherwise I will use your email address to invite you as a Skype contact and add you to the group call. I will send an email reminder one hour prior to the start of the Webinar.

Very best wishes,
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.