Subject: Reduced price resource - How we make permanent changes

Something we always wanted to know about how we make changes in the brain using tools like EFT and FasterEFT is explained by recent Neuroscience.

I focus on key new findings that explain what needs to happen for permanent change to occur in how you feel, think and behave. I highlight the range of tools available and give guidance for how to apply them in the most effective way.

This video resource has proved particularly helpful for Practitioners and people wanting to improve their current use of self-help tools like FasterEFT, EFT and a range of others.
  • ‘Rewire’ the brain to make permanent changes
  • New research on ‘Memory Reconsolidation’
  • How FasterEFT differs from other techniques
  • Experiencing quick shifts versus gradual change
  • Making self-help techniques work effectively
  • How to avoid some common ‘mistakes’
Video - 1 hour 23 minutes: Get immediate access to the video online, a download link and a full pdf transcript of the video (very helpful for non-native English speakers):

Very best wishes,