Subject: Link for Webinar 1 : Effective FasterEFT - how we make changes in the brain

Below is your link for the Effective FasterEFT Webinar           

So who said only live Webinars have technical glitches!? (I think that was me).

I am very sorry not to have got your video to you at the time I intended. Just at the time of upload it became very "interesting" - with a combination of thunderstorms, resulting in two power cuts (turning off my computer and breaking the upload), and then Vimeo (the video host) performing an unforeseen maintenance, (unforeseen by me, not them!) and logging me out for a few hours!

I would say thankyou for your patience... but the truth is probably more like this - some of you forgot all about this, some of you were confused, some of you were frustrated with the delay, some of you were very keen to get started and some of you thought you must have got something wrong (it's usually your fault somehow)! Some of you may be reading this and trying to remember who I am and why I am writing to you...

....And this brings me on to one of the key points I'm making in this video - we are all different.

So, what is YOUR reaction in situations like these? What would your reaction be to power cuts and unforeseen delays? A very important part of effectively using self-help tools to make changes to your experience is to get more in touch with what is really going on in your 'life', mind and body - in terms of how you think, behave, respond, feel in the body and what your strategies for "surviving" have been up til now.

I didn't 'stage' this delay just to make a point however - I have genuinely been up half the night trying to upload this video! (help!) However, take a moment to notice how these situations affect you..... and then....

Having survived to 'upload another day', here is the link and the password you need to be able to view the private video. I really do hope you find this valuable:

The link:

And please use this password:

Very best wishes,
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