Subject: Trump Hit Job Update

Hunter Biden "Exposed" - Sleazebag.

June 14 2024.

Trump HitJOb Update

Hunter's Laptop From Hell


Latest "Storm Rider" Notes


Before we get to Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell," here are a few personal thoughts on what "Q The Storm Rider" has to say.

He has been a consistent poster on Twitter for many years.

His latest offering (June 13 2024) covers the future of Joe Biden, a repeat of information about an assassination scenario involving President Trump, a planned earthquake on the West Coast of America, and Robert De Niro's role in the global sex trafficking trade - which involves the abduction and murder of children.

To my mind, there is validity to his reference to a major earthquake because I have personally heard from other sources about a coming earthquake on the West Coast - in particular, one that will hit the Washington coastline.

I lived not far from the state capital, Olympia, many years ago when an earthquake really shook up that city.

However, the one being planned, or predicted, now, is expected to be far more damaging, with the potential to decimate Seattle - likely leaving what's left on a newly-formed island as well as having devastating effects on Olympia.

Combine that potential with what "The Storm Rider" has to say, and the future does not look too good for those anywhere near the coastline from Vancouver BC right down to Southern California.

Unfortunately, most people who could potentially be affected are more than likely to ignore this sort of warning, and take no action at all to get out of harm's way.

"Yeah! Yeah! Heard it all before!" is a very common response.

However, wisdom does come with experience - if you survive - such as the feeling that you and your desk are about to slide out the 7th floor window during a 5.0 Magnitude 'quake I experienced when working for Television New Zealand in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, about 45 years ago.

The whole building rocked and swayed while the sounds of WTF! echoed around the Country Calendar production office.

It was that, and doing network news reports on a couple of other earthquakes that convinced me that ground-level country living well away from water - including lakes and rivers - was the way to go.

Tsunamis have a way of destroying coastlines, and travelling upriver for great distances, sometimes taking thousands of lives, while lakes are often man made for hydro-electric power generation purposes. But when the dam breaks, life for those downriver is certainly in jeopardy.

Nuclear power plants are something else to bear in mind, as we learned from the Japan earthquake that not only killed thousands but also crippled the Fukushima nuclear plant. Now the Pacific Ocean - and its denizens - are contaminated.

I'm sure some readers will see all this as rather repetitious or as yet another doom and gloom beating of an old drum. I feel the same way at times, because I have been researching and writing about earth changes and preparedness for decades.

Nevertheless, these recent mentions of the Deep State having the technology and the intent to generate a really major earthquake off America's West Coast is, in my view, reason enough to write a few lines about the power of Nature in the past, and now the current insanity of those who are losing this war between Good and Evil.

Various sources say the Evil ones are determined to kill as many of us as they can, by any means possible, before they are inevitably routed.

Therefore, the musings of "Q The Storm Rider" are worth serious consideration - although that is no substitue for doing ones own research, and preparing as one deems appropriate, whatever that entails on a personal level.

After all, every one of us was born with free will, which means freedom of choice.

 Information and options are neutral in themselves.

 But what we do with that knowledge absolutely determines our future.

I'm sure you've heard an actor on one of hundreds of film and television programmes say "I had no choice." To me, that smacks of being a subliminal brainwashing script, so widely accepted that I fear millions have subconsciously determined that life is a crap shoot and they can do nothing about it.

Yet I still have an idea that millions more - although in the minority - still think for themselves, have no intention of being conned by the next "DiseaseX" - and will continue to make wise decisions.


Now here we go with the"Storm Rider" report, which includes reference to "elite" (I hate that word almost as much as) pedophiles, especially those who wear red shoes, allegedly made from human skin.

Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page, [6/13/2024 2:48 PM]

WHAT to EXPECT<  (post 1)


Biden to drop out soon. 

(We all knew this was coming..)

Gavin Newsom being pushed to replace Biden.

Hillary to run with Michael Obama.


>TRUMP Assassination>

This important event will lead to EXPOSURE of CIA OPS, MAJIC (Majority Intelligence Community) Deep State operations and Arrest Wars.

( Just like JFK) 

The deep state is already planning the operations.


(White Hats WILL STAGE their own EVENT before the [ DS] ops).

> You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens that White Hats staged the EVENT... You will know this because TRUMP WILL survive!


California Coast Major Earthquake 

Planned to hit Oregon. California, West Nevada region:

( I warned of this several times and now the event and test trials are happening,.. DARPA with deep dark operations and technology is already doing tests this past week as Mysterious Sonic Booms are hitting California. Mainstream Media is also reporting this mystery and the Deep State military is trying to find an excuse to cover up the massive sonic booms.)

(Several test earthquakes are being placed through Nevada, California and Oregon this past month.) 

It's well known several weapons and tectonic weapons exist with thousands of patents to create Earthquakes.

(The GLOBALISTS have always wanted to kill millions in an earthquake and blame climate change and bring in laws and censorship.)


The Exposure of advanced Military weapons and technology connected to UAP's, UFOS...

>This month Congress/Senate is passing NEW important laws that protect whistleblowers from inside the Deep State Military dark deep operations. 

These NEW laws are highly important to bypassing national security laws that protect the deep state operations. These NEW laws allow the Senate and Congress to see high-level classified files and videos that whistleblowers are exposing. 

(To this day the DARPA deep, dark operations were protected under corrupt national security laws.) 

_Now with the new whistleblower laws COMING> Full exposure of MAJIC, DARPA, DEEP DARK OPERATIONS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED. 


PEDOPHILE RINGS/Human-Trafficking rings/Sex-extortion rings/ELITE SEX RINGS is all coming to DISCLOSURE.


>You are highly unaware that Epstein was arrested during Trump Administration and 

P Diddy was also arrested during Trump administration and secret indictments were placed.

> Both Epstein and P Diddy were triple agents. Both were forced by White Hats to continue to play their parts as military investigations played forward. (I have been telling you since 2017 after Trump was elected. Trump gave FULL military power to the military and a Continuity of Government was installed, A Devolution Plan was placed.

These military operations are controlling White Hats inside the FBI and Pentagon at the highest levels. 

_NOW P Diddy is going to go on trial and sing like a  bird!

P Diddy is going to EXPOSE elites and corruption inside music & film industries, on world sex-trafficking operations connected to the ELITES.

+Plus, at the same time, EPSTEIN VIDEOS ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED by military inside DROPS and dropped through White Hat media.

> Congress WILL fully go after the EPSTEIN SAGA...(Open the case.)

_ >>>>> THIS IS WHY ROBERT DE NIRO IS TRYING TO STOP TRUMP and why the ELITES are pushing De Niro as a front to stop Trump.

_ Robert De Niro's involvement in the world sex ring is connected to the 80's and beyond and connected to the Getty Museum > Massive, huge underground pedophile base and satanic rituals that connect to founder J Paul Getty and his connection to Bohemian Grove satanic Moloch rituals.... This is why Getty museum hosts satanist's human cooker, Marina Abramović, as its spiritualist guide. The connection of De Niro to pedophilia rings is connected to Roman Polanski (pedophile), who made the cult film "Rosemary's Baby," a satanic cult and a baby of Satan.


Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page, [6/13/2024 2:48 PM]

The strong connections of Robert De Niro to the sex industry and satanic rings goes deeper and connects to Christopher Walken. (Remember Mel Gibson said he was frightened of Walken and Walken was talking of torture) and De Niro's connection to the Hollywood dark, deep satanic industry connected to EPSTEIN, P DIDDY, CALIFORNIA BANKS > CARTELS > DRUGS, HUMAN-TRAFFICKING/ SEX RINGS.


(The EXPOSURE of Weather Weapons/Tectonic weapons/Earthquake weapons is ALL CONNECTED TO EXPOSING UAP's, Man-Made UFO's....(And real UFO's). 

You are inside an amazing time and history where everything is being revealed and a powerful PLAN with military operations is playing out! (DISCLOSURE PROJECTS).

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we present.....

If you are a subscriber to the, you have probably seen the Laptop video on the blog already - however, for some reason there are still many subscribers to this newsletter who have yet to subscribe to the blog.

If that's you, please consider doing so asap.


Because the blog articles and videos are now taking priority over this newsletter - subscribers to both therefore have the best of both worlds.

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Using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) correctly means the blog contents are available to anyone, worldwide, which in turn means more people are learning about the current state of affairs in this war between Good and Evil.

By the same token, if you simply pass on a link to any blog post, you are playing an important part in "The Great Awakening." (Whether or not those who receive the link follow through is of course their choice).

It's also true to say that the blog takes many more hours of work, followed by then doing this newsletter for the benefit of those who have not yet subscribed to the blog.

Frankly, it doesn't make sense to keep doing it this way.

I have invited subscribers to this newsletter to jump on to the blog, and many have done so already. But those who have not done so so far, have had at least three months of repeated requests from which to choose whether or not to join the blog - which happens to be free (with another option).

Both endeavors cost money to create, and donations have been the difference between life and death (metaphorically speaking) for this newsletter and the blog.

But it makes no sense to misuse those donations by ciontinuing to pay for this newsletter service

Bottom line - I just may have to discontinue this newsletter because I'm sure there's no good reason to keep on doing the same thing over and over.

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JUust do it.

Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

Donations are always truly gratefully accepted. They keep this work going by covering overheads.

I made a short video to explain why I chose to start requesting donations (only from those who can afford even a small monthly contribution) which can be seen at FundRazr

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Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

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