Subject: Top Notch Research Resource

Well worth your while

Top Notch Resource

Thanks to a link provided by a subscriber, I "discovered" the "Monkey" (his call sign I guess) .

In other videos he keeps an eye on the movement of military air traffic - including to black sites around the world, and troop transports around the US. (In another report, Monkey says 50 planes carrying 300 soldiers each, recently flew into Vegas!).

But this one is a gathering of four guys who between them have a really good grasp of what's going on - and what they see as scenarios over the next two months.

The video has a very strong military component as its opener, and what you'll learn about the possible (I repeat, possible) use of the military is indeed an eye opener in itself.

An important point they also make is that there have been crop failures because of flooding in China, so China has bought up as much available food as possible from overseas ... while the US is experiencing crop problems as well - AND (get this) Gov Newsom in California has prohibited the export of lettuce to other states. Maybe he has started a trend? Will other states follow suit?

There is no fearmongering in this episode at all. These guys are knowledgeable, straightforward, and confident that the "bad guys' are on their last legs. But there's a ways to go, and they offer some very interesting thoughts about contingency plans that most people would not be aware of.

I might add that after viewing this myself, I think this would be a VERY good time to rethink your own preparedness situation. In that regard, I would recommend checking out the Survival Center in Washington. Their website is .

All the best.

Michael Knight.

Click this link to watch their video.

"Enough Is Enough"

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 Qanon And The Dark Agenda - 


Qanon and the great awakening


President Trump And The New World Order


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