Subject: Today's BIG story

An $18m bribe forHRC

Actually, HRC Took At Least $38m in Bribes. Founder and former CEO, Patrick Byrne was interviewed by Ann Vandersteel on Monday and he told her, “I know what’s in the Durham Report and I’m gonna say it here: I bribed Hillary Clinton with $18 million. I facilitated a bribe for Hillary Clinton on January 14th, 2016, right here in this town [DC]. On behalf of the FBI, I – they came to me around December 1st, 2015, they told me Hillary had accepted a bribe from Turkey for $20 million.”

Full Report And Video of Interview At This Link.

As to who will be inaugurated on January 20, despite today's fuss over Biden getting Electoral College Votes, it's interesting that he is quoted as saying he and (wannabe VP) Kamala Harris will not give up their Senate seats until everything is finalized. This suggests he actually has doubts about making the final cut.

Speaking of possibilities - for those who believe President Trump will make it, it remains a rocky road. The video below is well worth viewing, and sharing.

How Your Thinking WILL Affect This Election

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