Subject: Gen Flynn - Good v Evil (NWO)

And the Insurrection Act? - Powell suggests.

General Flynn Speaks of Tyrants

There is no doubt in my mind that President Trump, General Flynn, Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani are literally battling to save America.

To do so, they are not only taking legal action against their opponents, but also being deliberately outspoken and saying things that literally millions of patriots are listening to - and being prepared for.

In this video, a report of an Op Ed written by General Flynn, he pulls no punches about the New World Order and those who serve that agenda.

It is taken from a report in the Epoch Times, which has also written that Sydney Powell believes there is a possibility that President Trump will eventually (and perhaps soon) activate the Executive Order related to the Insurrection Act.

Note too that General Flynn has recently endorsed a petition calling for the president to declare a limited version of martial law.

It does appear that the courts, at all levels, do not want to get involved in this fracas over election fraud; nevertheless, it is understandable that the president and his team would want to exhaust all legal options before taking that limited martial law step.

Actually, since the intent has been, according to its proponents, to redo the election with military personnel supervising all ballot counts, that quite frankly sounds like a non-starter to me. (But what do I know? There are smarter minds than mine dealing with all this).

I also think we would be naïve to think that this - and activating the Insurrection Act - has not been game-planned already. I am personally sure that contingency measures are already in place. But on standby.

As for this short video - the associated images which I inserted as cover material, are only intended to illustrate what the General is saying. And what I am sure millions of patriots are thinking.

Would you be good enough to pass this on? Or to share it on your social media? It's not about me at all.; it's about the future. And which one we might want to live in.

The video can be seen on both Bitchute and Rumble. Your choice.





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